In order to have a sunny life on a moment-to-moment basis, you must be willing to let something new happen to you. No one sincerely asks for a new life until they are thoroughly dissatisfied with the old one. Letting go of the old ideas is the only way to really invite something new. Let's look at one example of how our new self-knowledge can turn a painful and repetitive unhappiness into a...
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains the difference between the false kind of shame that shackles us to a self that is trapped in the past, and the proper kind of conscious remorse that is the seed of true humility and freedom.
In this video, Guy Finley explains that the true role of a teacher is to remind students of their actual condition, which presently is an unconscious state of "spiritual sleep." Authentic spiritual work is a gradual awakening to what we have falsely taken ourselves to be.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains how "waking up" spiritually includes an awareness of how much it hurts to remain "asleep."...
Every truth ever discovered -- each new light that will ever burn bright -- already exists in our consciousness.
In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how something is always growing within us, but just like any garden that produces real physical food, what grows in our interior life all depends upon what we give our attention to in the moment.
Wishing to be free from the dark states that steal our happiness, without taking action toward our intention, is meaningless; we must employ the truths we uncover, or we will never realize the possibility of their true power, which is to help us walk away from what has been wrecking us. But with this new understanding in mind we must also realize that the truth that sets us free is not for hir...
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains how each moment of life is made for anyone and everyone who is present to it. If you are not in this moment, you are not alive within the life that gives this moment, which is a vital expression of a timeless presence.
What if timeless ideas like the ones you are about to read were introduced to the whole world in such a way as to reveal their secret story? Could the light of these truths -- the hope and promise they hold about our own latent higher possibilities -- help liberate us from the host of fears that hold our consciousness hostage? By the very thing you seek. To know when to stop To know when...
If we're to succeed in our search for wholeness, we not only require a new and higher order of self-knowledge, but one that must also take us in a completely new direction.
Listen in as Guy Finley discusses with Dr. Ellen Dickstein some of the important ideas connected to the release of his forthcoming book, The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred.
We are meant to go through a transfiguration on this earth, a change internally that leaves our character like nothing it was before.