Student Talks: 12/1/2023 - Key Lesson: Since it is impossible to be unhappy over what you don't have without first having been subjected to some form of unseen painful comparison, this means the true source of one's unhappiness isn't because of some passing condition, but rather is a creation of an unconscious nature -- punishing itself -- each time it negatively reacts to some imagined happiness lost.
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Topics covered: Spiritual ideas are intended to introduce you to another world within you that cannot be threatened by any outside condition; Spiritual principles do not exist in order to save you. They exist for you to see how futile it is to try to save yourself as you currently are; There cannot be a negative reaction without unseen resistance. And there is no unseen resistance without identification.
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Student Talks: 8/18/2023 - Key Lesson: Negative reactions -- in fact any form of painful resistance -- prevail only when we fail to remember it is -- at once -- our Divine right, and our work to transform, and transcend them.
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Topics covered: Without being able to see the big picture, we are lost. And negativity can only see its particular enemy of the moment; The divided consciousness derives a strong identity through resistance and its attending negativity; We have learned to live with unconscious suffering to a large extent, until the pain reaches a level at which it can no longer be denied; Negative identification is the unconscious...
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Student Talks: 5/26/2023 - Key Lesson: Nothing in the universe can make you relive some painful moment from your past as long as you choose to live in the self-renewing awareness that no old dark thought has the power to define you, let alone drag you down.
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Topics covered: What all of humanity struggles to overcome -- in vain -- is the past; We cannot separate what we call "the past" from the level of consciousness that derives its identity from it; Rushing is an attempt to get away from the experience of the past to a future that is imagined by the same consciousness; Any conflict with any moment does not exist apart from the past.
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Student Talks: 3/17/2023 - Key Lesson: Before we can hope to stop reliving any unwanted moment from our past, we must see that our experience of it is inseparable from how we ourselves have named it.
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Topics covered: The moment that a reaction gets named you have been set up to have a painful moment, because that consciousness resists the very reaction that it has named; Revelation of resistance is the release from the captivity of that resistance; "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." -- William Shakespeare; An object or a condition cannot exist...
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Topics Covered: We are not intended to live within and behind any kind of walls that limit our right to explore all of our celestial possibilities; We unconsciously identify with, and become captive of, self-constructed boundaries that are imagined by our consciousness; Our ideas, beliefs, and opinions are a kind of construction of an unconscious nature that prevents unfettered self-exploration.
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Classroom Talk: 12/29/2021 - Only as we dare to explore and understand the nature of fear -- including how it projects and protects its prison-like boundaries -- only then will we see its illusion fall apart, and begin to quietly disappear.
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Topics Covered: Our hope is not in things seen; Being the witness of useless suffering; Use the fear of the future to find the fearless heart; Accept the moment as it is given as an act of higher Will; We don't want to fix ourselves, we want to see ourselves; Dismissal of habitual reactions; Awareness of the play of creation; Replace the idea of "faster" with "more aware"...
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Topics Covered: Re-experiencing, reliving a memory; Mind wanting to escape the sound of itself; Real love doesn't punish the one who loves; Love doesn't separate; Love doesn't suffer over what was; Agree to consciously suffer our own consciousness; Remain the witness of consciousness instead of trying to change it; Being in the crucible of the crisis; See that the promise of...
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