Student Talks: 1/21/2022 - Key Lesson: We have but a single thing to do to nurture the soul and, in turn, fulfill our role in the Greater Plan of Creation. Our one true task in Life is to complete the moment as it is given to us to do. This is the principal agreement, and in our obedience to its will is found not only our freedom... but the assurance of knowing that whatever...
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Topics Covered: The world itself is not upside-down. It is the way we see the world that makes it seem upside-down. What is upside-down is a consciousness that only sees what it wants; We are always given everything that we need to be whole, but we are unhappy because we can't see and therefore don't experience that fact; The purpose of your existence cannot be imagined...
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Topics Covered: Even though it may sound like a paradox, the quality of obedience is intimately connected to perfect self-command; Real command is not about controlling your own reactions, let alone controlling other people. Anything that you feel you must have control over is in control of you; In order to fulfill its purpose in existence, a seed must die so that it may give birth to another order of itself.
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Topic: Realize the Fullness and the Freedom of Your True Self (8/4/19 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Realize the Fullness and the Freedom of Your True Self (8/4/19 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 8/4/2019 - The body can be disciplined. The mind should be trained. But, spiritual realization requires that one's wild heart be surrendered.
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Classroom Talk: 7/14/2019 - Enlightenment is not an "achievement" because it can never be a static state. (It is) a level of being that sees, effortlessly, that Real Life is secretly a single, beautiful movement incapable of contradicting itself. The more we realize how this timeless celestial truth includes everything that happens to us, the more empowered...
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Classroom Talk: 1/16/2022 - We have but a single thing to do to nurture the soul and, in turn, fulfill our role in the Greater Plan of Creation. Our one true task in Life is to complete the moment as it is given to us to do. This is the principal agreement, and in our obedience to its will is found not only our freedom... but the assurance of knowing that whatever sacrifice we must make...
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Classroom Talk: 12/19/2021 - Part 1: Resisting what feels like an unwanted moment seems natural; but, refusing to accept it... is not. Part 2: There are some things in this life -- in the world of passing time, governed as it is by the illusion of opposites -- that cannot grow up side-by-side; for instance, by reason of their nature, the lion and the lamb never lay down together...
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Classroom Talk: 8/7/2019 Just as Great Nature effortlessly guides the life of all Her creatures -- ceaselessly perfecting them in the ever-present now -- so does Love know exactly what to do with us... if only we would learn how to ask, wait for, and then act in accord with (its) Divine instruction.
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This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership