Listen in as Guy Finley discusses with Dr. Ellen Dickstein some of the important ideas connected to the release of his forthcoming book, The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred.
We are meant to go through a transfiguration on this earth, a change internally that leaves our character like nothing it was before.
We are all born with a wish to belong to something greater than ourselves. We know intuitively that we are meant to roam the universe of ourselves and break free from the shackles of our petty fears and negative states. And yet there is a tremendous interior struggle that takes place between the part of us that wants to enter into a larger world, and the part of us that wants to remain in its...
We must attend to our practical responsibilities. That is part of being a human being. But there is no inherent pain in fulfilling the natural purposes of this physical life. Pain comes in when we turn a natural purpose into something personal and become identified with a role that we believe we have to keep in place. When a purpose of ours has run its course, we must be willing to see the ne...
Most of the time we are not aware of the fullness of real life because we are too busy trying to fill ourselves with what we think we need to be happy. We are not intended to supply ourselves with a self-created happiness. In fact, our frantic search for happiness perpetuates the nagging feeling of discontent. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment in a time to come, we need t...
We can and must begin to understand the spiritual life before we can live it. But we can't begin to understand something that is above us until we begin to see it.
An ember lying in a fireplace cannot do anything to ignite itself. However conditions can be created in which the ember can be brought into a new relationship with its environment and thus be turned into a small flame. The point at which the ember catches fire is its ignition point. There is an ignition point for physical objects, but there also exists a kind of spiritual ignition point. A tru...
Many of us have perhaps had the experience of accidentally nodding off while driving on the freeway. After coming awake, we suddenly realize with tremendous alarm that we just fell asleep in a vehicle moving at 80 miles per hour. At that point we do whatever we have to do to make sure that we do not fall asleep again. Spiritually speaking,
Learning to let go of our own constant mental chattering prepares us for the entrance of the Secret Self.
Love is a latent interior "hunger" we all feel through our longing to know -- deeply -- someone or something to which we are drawn. And Love understands that whatever we will agree to draw near to ensures -- given time -- we will come to know it; and then, transformed by Her magic through a marriage of a sort, we become as one with what was once unknown to us. Don't think this to...
Walk Through This World Without Fear or Worry...
The following key lessons are taken from 365 Days to Let Go. Use their insights to help reach for and realize the excellent life. Mediocrity is a form of madness, a dream embraced by the masses because it makes just getting by an acceptable -- sometimes applauded -- social art form. What is excellent requires extra effort. To agree to sleep our way through life is to lose everything, becaus...