It is unnatural for any human being to be dominated by anything. Your only true responsibility is to understand this higher fact. And your corrected understanding places you in the right relationship with all gloomy thoughts and defeated feelings; which is that you simply have nothing to do with them. We are not saying to act or pretend as though dark feelings don't exist. This is very importa...
Our present experience of life, for its happiness or sorrow, is nothing more or less than what certain unconscious parts of us tell us it is. This means that before we can hope to change our life experience, we must stop trying to re-write the Book of Life and work instead to awaken ourselves from the dreams of the unseen storyteller within us. *** We cannot change what life brings to our do...
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains what it means to wait for a "Divine touch" that makes the darkest moments into something light, bright, and right for all involved.
In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how a still and attentive mind perfectly reflects the "presence" moment.
In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about the vital importance of going beyond mere knowledge about spiritual principles and beginning the real work of integrating what we know about ourselves into our daily lives.
The next time something dark or disturbing tries to steal into you to wreck your contentment, do not consent to be drawn into its seemingly important considerations.
You have the Light to detect, dismiss, and to transcend the limiting influences of painful negative states such as doubt, worry, hatred, anger, and fear.
There may be no greater self-deception than the false notion that rushing through anything actually helps us in any way whatsoever.
Here is a particularly vital idea for those of us who are tired of finding ourselves a surprised victim of our own actions: in this world of ours response is request. We can slightly enlarge this idea by restating it this way: the way you respond to life is also a request you make to it. See how the next few examples prove this important discovery: Someone walks...
Never speak out of anger, Never act out of fear, Never choose from impatience, But wait... and peace will appear.
In one respect, everything about one's spiritual life is so terribly simple. There is only one time and one way in which to be still, and that is to be still. So the first thing is to understand that we don't need to stop the world. What we need to do is understand that the world whirling around us is the world of our own reactions. It isn't until we can start to see some of this that it be...
As human beings we form relationships and then, when the form or dynamic of these relationships change, as they must, we blame these unwanted changes for our loss of peace. Such behavior is like getting mad at the wind that catches our hat and whisks it away. Our sense of lost peace, along with feeling the loss of one's freedom that was tied to it, has never had anything to do with peace with...