Guy explains that one of the primary reasons why we don't change is because there's no space in our life. He shows how real change requires we agree to the stirrings and disturbances that are part of the full life. These stirrings and disturbances actually serve a purpose we cannot know in advance.
As surprising as it may be to learn at first, the more "personal" is our peace, the more punishment we are likely to attract from it! Sometimes the simplest things show the deepest truths: Have you ever been in the midst of that personal peace called, "sitting in front of the TV with a nice pizza"? You know what happens next! The phone rings or a neighbor drops by and . . . Boom! One's slice o...
One of the most powerful forces in the universe available to human beings is also one of the least understood and appreciated. This powerful force is silence. The secret strength found in silence is as practical in daily life as is its true character life-changing. You can actually possess, and reap the benefits from, a quiet mind. When you want to directly enjoy the sunshine, you must go out...
One maxim of self-development I sense is true is that the way out of any stressful situation is to "go through it." How does this approach apply to reducing stress-producing thought-attacks? Everything depends upon our ability to inwardly discriminate between thoughts and feelings that are for us as opposed to those that are against us. Whenever confronted with an onslaught of internal i...
This special writing complementing Guy's talk of November 21st, 2004, contains hidden treasures that hint at an entirely new way of living.
Everywhere we look, people are concerned with essentially one thing: getting what they want, when they want it, and as fast as possible. The fires that fuel their appetite for this envisioned success create so much smoke that they lose sight of the fact that all they reap for their insistent sowing are the cold ashes of regret raked out of broken relationships. If we are ever to realize the i...
If we wish to find peace we must understand something of its life. Here are a few such facts: Peace is the natural radiation of a living Now; it is one with that Light whose life is the eternal present itself, even as the emanations of light and warmth are one with the sun from which they radiate. If our intuition can perceive that the above ideas are based in truth, then we should be naturall...
As paradoxical as it seems, our journey to reach the undiscovered territory within our own consciousness -- this distant High Country above and beyond thought whose Promised Land lies yet hidden within us -- begins with a strange and often shocking discovery: What needs to be escaped are the constraints of our own conditioned consciousness. In other words, the freedom we long for is from our p...
Deliberately dare to slow down your life when everything in you -- or around you -- is screaming "Rush." Why is this bold action a prayer? Every person knows what it feels like to be carried off by an anxious state, so you decide: when some anxiety comes along and takes over your life -- are you an awake inwardly centered person -- or are you an unconscious outwardly driven man or woman? Wh...
The following eight points are essential spiritual truths. Individually they represent vital lessons that must be learned along the Path to Real Life. Collectively these same truths hint at the promise of a spiritual power for which there is no substitute: The certainty, compassion, and quietude of a mind filled by the Light of Truth. For the best results read each of these separate truths...
There is a Higher World and this peaceable kingdom dwells within you. Allow your heart to remind you what the mind so easily forgets: There is a Peace. There is a Shelter. There is a timeless place in each of us that no darkness can shatter or dispel. Make it your one intention to spend your time there. Prefer its ever-present company to that of any promise of peace to come, and watch how yo...
One maxim of self-development I sense is true is that the way out of any stressful situation is to "go through it." How does the approach apply to reducing stress-producing thought-attacks? Everything depends upon our ability to inwardly discriminate between thoughts and feelings that are for us as opposed to those that are against us. Whenever confronted with an onslaught of internal impress...