Classroom Talk: 10/6/2021 - The more we dwell on something that we wish wasn't so, the more we soak ourselves in negative energies created by our own resistance. The longer we soak, the more we suffer; the more we suffer, the more we resist what seems to be the unwanted event when, in truth, what we are really drowning in are the dark waves of our own un-investigated consciousness.
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Topic: Be All that You Are and Be Set Free (2/24/21 Classroom Talk)
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Topics Covered: How do our negative reactions begin? There is no negativity that is not rooted in resistance to the way that the moment unfolds; We get negative when events don't go precisely the way that we have imagined. This means that, without knowing it, we come into these moments carrying images; Everything that happens in any moment unfolds within us...
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Classroom Talk: 2/24/2021 - Unconscious opposition to unwanted moments can never change the condition being opposed because the lower nature responsible for mounting this opposing force not only remains unchanged, but resists all that it does in order to ceaselessly re-create itself... Including the unwanted moments in which...
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Student Talks: 2/5/2021 - Key Lesson: The more we will deliberately work to take time out of our day to remember -- and embrace -- what we know is Timeless and True, the more aware we will become of an Indwelling Light whose perfect grace reveals the means and the way to be made new... and new again.
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Topics Covered: We presently spend too much time in worldly pursuits because we don't know that there is another world that sits above this present level of consciousness; Real peace cannot be interrupted. Real peace looks for nothing and wants for nothing; Most of our attention is dedicated to a "time to come" in which there will be a "me" that will find peace and be free...
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Student Talks: 10/16/2020 - Key Lesson: Part 1: We cannot live in fear of discovering the truth about ourselves, about our life... and hope to find the truth at the same time. Part 2: Here's an immutable spiritual law: we will never know all it's possible for us to be until we agree to consciously empty ourselves of all that we have been...
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Topics Covered: Real life is actually set up to help you succeed at becoming a better human being; The lesson in an unwanted moment is an unexpected gift, and the gift is the realization that it is time to make a real change in our life; There is a level of consciousness that keeps covering up moments that it doesn't want with what it does want. The only real solution lies in the...
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Topics Covered: Spiritual life is a ceaseless series of departures; The antidote is in the venom; In my weakness is Thy strength made perfect; The nature that wants to fit in is in a prison; Eliminate the mechanical man or woman, and you eliminate what is maniacal; "Give me liberty or give me death" is a fact of spiritual life; The emptiness we fear doesn't exist without...
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Topic: Stop Trying to Escape (Your) Karma and Start Using it to Realize Perfect Freedom (5/17/20 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Stop Trying to Escape (Your) Karma and Start Using it to Realize Perfect Freedom (5/17/20 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 5/17/2020 - Here's a glimpse of a higher level of self-knowledge that opens the door to the possibility of a karma-free life: Nothing moves that everything doesn't; so that if we learn to move with life itself, Life will take care of itself… and therein is our innocence, and our freedom guaranteed.
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