Within each of us dwells a certain lower level of "self" whose chief feature is to ensure that no one ever doubts its perfection.
True respect for oneself must include the presence of a humility that tempers the temptation inherent in all forms of self-evaluation; otherwise, what we call respect for ourselves is really just a form of secret self-admiration: a false, fearful state that has as much in common with real self-respect as does a postcard picture of a rugged coastline with the towering cliffs and surging waves t...
Each of us grows physically without any real inner struggle on our part. Our bodies mature; we learn to tie our shoes, and dance, and do gymnastics. Social skills develop naturally. We grow in our mental abilities as well: we learn a new language, expand our knowledge to grasp a scientific theory, or learn a set of mathematical axioms. This, too, is natural. However, inwardly, emotionally for...
When it comes to seeing the truth of our lives, the late, great author Vernon Howard taught those who would listen that "The medicine is bitter, but it heals." If we would heal the hidden hurt in us then we must learn that the initial bitterness of self-truthfulness is the front runner of our ultimate spiritual betterment. Our work is to concede to the bright prescription of higher self-honest...
Guy Finley explains that each of us is a unique blend of energies, both positive and negative, all of which are meant to be used for the purpose of self-revelation.
It was we, who in ignorance of reality, carelessly attribute weight to events that are without substance.
Guy Finley explains that Truth is always gently inviting you to see that the moments you fear are part of a divine path that's intended to lead you to the center of yourself, where you will discover that everything you need to see your way through the fear already exists within you.
When we feel some kind of darkness coming over us, we must muster the courage to consciously doubt the reality of this condition, even though our feelings are powerfully trying to convince us that what we feel is true.
Guy Finley explains that as your awareness of the natural laws that currently govern your actions increases, so does your ability to make choices based on higher knowledge, instead of being blindly guided by ignorance. Spiritually speaking, this is the beginning of the development of true free will.
Guy Finley explains that the real reason for practicing ceaseless prayer is so that we can see that we are ceaselessly distracted. Our intention must be to see with greater and greater clarity that currently we do not possess the self-command that we imagine.
In this short talk, Guy Finley explains the difference between the false kind of shame that shackles us to a self that is trapped in the past, and the proper kind of conscious remorse that is the seed of true humility and freedom.
In this video, Guy Finley talks about how our true interior work is about agreeing to stand within the light of awareness so that the parts of ourselves that are revealed can be changed.