What happens in the moment where life throws something at you, or nothing goes as you had planned? You know what happens. Instant negativity! Unhappiness over what is unwanted ruins the day. Why? Because now you're resisting the event, wanting nothing to do with it. And how many possibilities do you have in such moments when you resist life like this? None... except to grow more and more n...
Great prophets and sages alike have long taught that this heart hidden in the center of us -- our own physical heart -- is but a three-dimensional reflection of an invisible Celestial Heart whose outpouring life secretly animates our own.
There is a spiritual idea that appears in the New Testament which states, "Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened to you." It is our mistaken belief this idea is saying that all of our desires will be fulfilled simply by asking God, and that our "order" should be filled to our exact specifications as quickly as possible. Most of us have to learn the hard way about what it...
We communicate spiritual principles to each other using words and ideas that our minds can put into a form that they can understand. We naturally experience something of the principles being communicated because there exists within us a corresponding reflection of these higher ideas. And we innately know the validity of what we are hearing or reading because of this inner resonance. Although...
Don't believe what the spiritual sharks and clever carnival hustlers tell you about fearless living: they lie. But you already sense this is true, or you wouldn't find yourself reading these words. The deepest parts of you know that if freedom from fear was as easy as "creating a new reality" for yourself, then *you would already be the fearless person you know in your heart that you're meant...
There is an extraordinary paradox in the spiritual life that any sincere aspirant must encounter. The paradox is that anyone who is a sincere seeker wants Real Life, Truth, but the very act of wanting it is produced by having imagined what Real Life is, and then we attempt to imitate what the mind has imagined for ourselves. The conundrum is that you can't want what can only be given to you,...
What we become in this life is very much determined by the kind of "interior" company we keep. Even if this idea of "inner" company is new to you, its reality becomes common sense once we learn to look in the right place. Within ourselves we live in perpetual relationship with our own thoughts and feelings. If it helps you to visualize this insight, think of these psychological forms and force...
I was thinking this afternoon about the man who introduced you to me. What would I say to him now, if we could meet? Did he have any idea what he was doing? Had he given any thought to what was going to happen to me? How the rest of my life, every facet of it, would be shaped by that moment our paths then crossed? Did he understand I would lose everything I treasure because the only constant...
If we wish to realize the Real Life that only a life of Truth can provide, we must each agree not only to put Truth first in our lives, but to will this highest of intentions every day with all we can gather within ourselves to do so. There are no shortcuts to reaching this higher ground in us. However, we may be rightly encouraged to know that there is no substitute for the naturally prevaili...
Volunteer for deliberate spiritual growth by daring to venture into the unknown. It may surprise you to discover that the circumstances necessary just for you, and for your continuing inner development are much closer than you think! For instance, start with the following "10 Small Steps to Real Self-Knowledge." Agree to step into these unknown moments and then step back... And watch how new...
We are creatures of the outside. We know as real only the movement from without to within; From hand to mouth, we exist. Yet, Real life is inside...out. The Christ is before the world. His Light precedes the letters that spell His name. His Life is to the thoughts and ideas about Him as is... The fusion of the sun to the light it generates. And when the inner Sun stirs... ...M...
He reads the Great Truths in order to resonate... To have his heart sound out the soothing tones of Timeless Light Captured in the printed word upon each page. What are such words other than invisible Truths made visible... The ineffable made tangible to nourish hungry hearts? Such sentiments caught on paper may be Either a window or a door -- a passage or an impasse...