Classroom Talk: 5/8/2022 - As long as our reactions are seen as choices, and the "voices" that support them as thoughts of our own, it doesn't matter what we call our life... any more than calling a circle a straight line changes the fact that all it does is go round and round.
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Classroom Talk: 1/16/2022 - We have but a single thing to do to nurture the soul and, in turn, fulfill our role in the Greater Plan of Creation. Our one true task in Life is to complete the moment as it is given to us to do. This is the principal agreement, and in our obedience to its will is found not only our freedom... but the assurance of knowing that whatever sacrifice we must make...
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The purpose of a school is to bring you to the point where you understand suffering isn't inherent in any moment; Our pain is from not wanting the lessons that life brings; All lessons show you that "you" can't do anything; First you wake up to die, then you are reborn; The work is not so you can be happy in life; Real self-knowledge is action, it's the union of self...
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This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership
This content is only available with All Access Membership