Within us dwells a sanctuary of peace. But there is a “thief of peace” – a tendency hidden in our lower consciousness that prevents us from connecting to the source of our natural serenity. Here is the information you can use to stop what steals our peace, along with specific steps to take to reconnect to your inner source of composure and find the peace that passes all understanding.
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Isn’t it amazing how our sense of peace can be shattered in an instant?
We’re in our favorite restaurant, anticipating a wonderful meal with friends, when one of them makes a flippant remark and we’re thrown into resentment and self-doubt.
We’re enjoying a nice walk when an unusual twinge in our leg plunges us into negative imagination about what it could be and what it could mean for our future.
It doesn’t take much for us to spiral down. The surprising thing, however, is that the culprit that pushes us into the spiral is a hidden part of our own nature.
Guy Finley has a name for this part of us that can’t wait to drag us down into a place of despair. He calls it the “thief of peace.”
Meanwhile there’s another part of us – a higher consciousness waiting to be awakened – that connects us to contentment, wisdom, and a peace that passes all understanding.
We’ve all experienced this celestial state in moments of great beauty – standing in the ocean surf at sunrise, or suddenly coming upon a glorious field of flowers. In those moments all our concerns fall away. We feel a wholeness that needs nothing else to fill it, and that cannot be disturbed.
We can either be connected to the lower consciousness where dwells the “thief of peace.” Or we can be connected to the higher consciousness where peace is always waiting to welcome us, no matter what is going on around us.
Imagine being in a psychological and emotional storm, and yet knowing in your heart that everything is all right, and that it always has been, and always will be. That kind of calm assurance is meant to be our moment-to-moment experience.
And it can be when we learn how to forge a connection to what our heart wants above all: perfect peace.
Guy Finley has created a jewel of an eCourse that guides you through the steps of connecting to your inner kingdom of peace.
Connect to Perfect Peace is a powerful 15 minutes of pure magic – a magic that takes dark, anxious moments and turns them into moments of serenity and right action.
In Session One you will learn:
In Session Two you will learn:
Your Connect to Perfect Peace eCourse comes with an invaluable bonus. It’s a one-hour talk by Guy Finley entitled Using Attention to Make a Lasting Connection With the Divine. This entertaining yet powerful talk is filled with stories that impart deep lessons for experiencing the Divine in each moment.
Here is just a taste of what you will learn how to do:
Imagine if you found yourself sitting in a haunted basement, with eerie voices ceaselessly criticizing and threatening you. But then you looked up and saw an open window facing onto a set of stairs that led to a sunny meadow. Would you take those stairs that connected to the world where you really wanted to be?
That’s the true story of all of us, and a decision we meet every day. We do live in the haunted house of a lower mind that constantly finds fault, torments us with memories and fears, points out everything wrong with us and the world, and never gives us a moment’s peace.
At the same time, there’s another world we’re meant to live in. In fact, it’s already here, but we don’t see it because we’re so hypnotized by the scary voices. But the Divine that loves us and wants us to succeed spiritually has provided us with a ladder to reach that higher kingdom. It’s the ladder of attention. And this eCourse and bonus talk can help you learn how to use it.
In Connect to Perfect Peace Guy explains the eerie voices that torment us, shows us how to look up and see the escape window, and guides us to our first steps up the ladder. This is where the journey to true peace begins.
Learn moreTable of Contents
Session One: Unmask the Thief of Peace ..........................................
Session Two: A Peace Beyond All Understanding................................
Session Three: Using Attention to Make a Lasting Connection with the Divine
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