Talk Takeaways
There is no becoming in the Kingdom of Heaven. In that Kingdom it is already done. You are separate from that Kingdom because of a misunderstanding about your true nature.
"From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to the light, from death to immortality." -- The Upanishads (circa 800 – 200 B.C.E.)
Somehow you are going to have to die to everything that you think you are.
There is no consolation of the real kind in any dream. To substitute one dream for another dream is to die asleep.
When we are asleep in a dream, there seems to be a difference between the dreamer (the subject) and what the dream is about (the object). The dreamer is not separate from the dream. The thinker is not different from the thought.
The mind is always trying to escape from the experience of the duality that it has created. The mind is so sure that it is separate from what it is experiencing.
The stronger the sensations in a dream, the more real the dream seems.
Humanity's greatest fear is non-existence, and everything about humanity's life is struggling to build a life for itself that will continue on.
"The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." Presently for us and for the rest of the world, the dreamer is first, and the light that sees the dreamer is last. A reversal is necessary. When the right order is in place, there is no need to dream at all.
Awareness reveals the futility of believing that the dream and the dreamer are separate.
Put awareness before the temptation to identify. Awareness sees the dreamer that dreams for the sake of its own continuity.
In the level of being that is above the dreamer, 'I' is not defined by any condition outside of it. In reality there are no conditions outside of that 'I'.
Can life interrupt itself? No, only a dream can be interrupted.
The right order of inner work is to "do" and then you will "hear." Doing comes before the wisdom. Learn to exercise your understanding.
Awareness of the pain of putting yourself first shows you the need for the reversal. Find instances in your own life where this reversal must take place.