Part 1
Being in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment.
Part 2
Sleeping man is much like a weathervane, turned round and round; first (its) heading is east, then west; now south turns to north. Driven to move, but going nowhere because, like the moment-to-moment capricious desires that spur him on, he has no direction of his own. And, like the weathervane, his erratic thoughts can only point, but never arrive; his emotions change direction, as dictated by whatever the prevailing wind; and so, because he is void of any other will, he has none.
Part 3
Actively at rest in the unseen space between "here" and "there"... between "now" and "then"... dwells a Timeless Realm that is "all" and "everywhere" at once; it cannot be seen with the eyes; it is beyond anything the mind can imagine; and yet... because this Kingdom resides in the heart, it can be realized in any moment when all three parts of oneself -- body, mind, and heart -- are gathered together in the silent light of higher self-awareness.
Part 4
We can no more awaken ourselves to ourselves than can a rose bloom without sunlight. So the very fact of being able to see ourselves as we are (and have been) proves, undeniably, the existence of another order of intelligence -- and a compassionate one at that.