Here's the real reason why talking to yourself about what you resent in someone, or otherwise resist about some event is so exhausting: it's very hard work to make something (so big) out of what really amounts to nothing.
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Shop eCoursesHere's the real reason why talking to yourself about what you resent in someone, or otherwise resist about some event is so exhausting: it's very hard work to make something (so big) out of what really amounts to nothing.
There is a kind of "evil spell" hanging over each of us, and our world as well. In fact, part of this global spell is our denial of its existence. It is called suffering. Everyone does it -- believing that their suffering somehow benefits them. That's how the spell works. Why else would anyone punish themself with unhappy feelings unless they had been tricked into somehow perceiving self-hurt as self-help?
Truth wants you to know that it is never in your best interest to unconsciously suffer, no matter how inwardly convincing it may feel to you that you will be betraying yourself or someone else if you don't. The only way that any suffering feeling can prove to you that you need it is to hypnotize you with a flood of itself. Step back from yourself. Learn instead to listen to the quiet stream of higher insight that runs softly through your true nature. It sees through sorrow. Let it show you that suffering proves nothing. If you want to receive some special help for helping yourself escape yourself, always remember this key question: "If I am doing what I want to do, then how come it hurts me to do it?" The truth guarantees you will stop doing what you don't want to do once you know what you have been doing against yourself.
Here are seven powerful ways to snap the spell of suffering. As you read over each one, think about how you can use its insight the next time you are about to be washed away by any flood of painful thoughts or feelings. Welcome their higher influence into your life.
Suffering doesn't prove that you know what it means to care about yourself or others. What it does prove is you haven't seen through your own ideas about caring or you wouldn't be so careless with yourself.
Suffering doesn't prove that you are right. What it does prove is you don't really know right from wrong or you wouldn't take your position of pain as your proof of point.
Suffering doesn't prove that you are responsible. What it does prove is you have abandoned true self-responsibility or you wouldn't treat yourself so badly.
Suffering doesn't prove that you are important. What it does prove is you would rather feel like a "someone" who is miserable than be a "no one" who is free and quietly happy.
Suffering doesn't prove that you are all alone in life. What it does prove is you prefer the company of unfriendly thoughts and feelings whose very nature is to isolate you from everything good.
Suffering doesn't prove that the world is against you. What it does prove is you have taken sides with that which is against everything -- including yourself.
Suffering doesn't prove that someone else is wrong. What it does prove is you will go to any lengths, including self-destruction, to prove that you are right.
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There's no denying that we all face moments we would rather not have to deal with. But what do these events actually mean for us? Is it possible they have a broader meaning than we may be able to see at first? Yes, they absolutely do! The same events we want to run away from can actually be a doorway to the contentment and fulfillment for which we all long....
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There is a reason why most people never find a life that fulfills their longing to feel new, naturally free, and inwardly fulfilled. They do not know the one simple step they must take to invite this Newness they long for. But your life can be different, because that one step is revealed in Guy Finley's powerful audio program, Secrets for Making a New Start in Life. In this seminar you...
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Real success is not measured by what we take from life, for whatever we win from the world is subject to the whim of its winds -- which means even the greatest of such victories is limited... but there is a success that cannot be spoiled by the passage of time. The true nature of success is found in a higher world that already exists deep within you. It is a real, tangible, higher order of co...
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Do you ever suffer from anxiety? No, that's not a trick question. And if you're willing to agree the answer is ""yes,"" here's something you should know: You're not alone! I'm about to give you some surprising facts, so please bear with me for just a few minutes. Then I'll give you the startling solution to the problem of anxiety that most people will never learn, but that you can use...
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Step Back from Suffering Feelings
Posted by Guy Finley in 459 Galice Road, Merlin, OR 97532 on , and updated on .
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