Question: I live as if things are coming to an end. No matter what good thing is happening in my life, I am looking at it as just temporary. This is horrible for me, and I don't want to miss out on any more of life!
Answer: If you want to be free, I'm going to explain "how."
Why would any of us want to meet every moment of our life with a certainty that, "Nothing's going to work out. It hasn't before, and it's not going to later"? I will tell you with clarity: There is a part of us that would rather have a familiar suffering than an unknown experience.
And that's not you. But it is a part of you that you don't know has taken your life from you that says: "At least I know things won't work out. That way I don't have to really try anymore." Then you rest in the very familiar sense of yourself that has that certainty of how unpleasant and unhappy things will be. You have IT. And nothing will mess with it unless you get tired of living from the misery you've accepted as being your life!
Now the good thing is -- and I want to encourage you -- you wouldn't have asked this question if you didn't suspect that something was wrong with what is being experienced as your life.
Everybody has moments in this bell curve of life where everything's great and then everything's "hell." But what happens (to some of us) is that when things get dark and deep long enough, then something is formulated inside of us that doesn't want any more to have anything that might produce that kind of experience for us where there's no love, no future, nothing. Therefore, I will summarily push away from myself those possibilities so I don't have to experience the very thing that I've been locked into.
If there were something in you, crying out from a prison that you recognize, even though you say you know that's all there is -- that's the prison nature speaking.
But the "you" that understands you're not meant to be locked away in that kind of consciousness has started to ask the right question. Let THAT PART get fed.