I have been noticing more and more "enlightened" people. My experience makes me skeptical, but I sense that I don't yet know how to tell true from false. What is to prevent me from latching onto some false teaching that masquerades as truth?
This is an increasingly important issue in these days where everyone has a card that introduces him or her as some master or avatar. We can only recognize what is false in others to the degree that we have uncovered that same nature within ourselves. As we work and root out what is untrue, it becomes easier and easier to instantly taste the truth of anything (or anyone) we encounter. Do your own work. Go inward. Be alone. Ask the Supreme for help and guidance, as best you understand how to ask and from what spirit to ask this. If you will do your work this way, a part of you will develop that could no more be fooled by a false light than a moth would fly into a dark well.
How do we discern whether or not we are associated with a qualified spiritual guide on the path to God?
There is an old saying that goes, "It takes a lighted candle to light a candle." This is deeply true and important for seekers to understand. Unfortunately, true guides are as rare as hen's teeth, but this doesn't mean that an individual's wish to awaken into relationship with the Supreme must be halted. Equally important, in fact a necessity in being able to discern true teachings from the abundant false ones, is one's true wish to become a new man or woman. The Truth is the great purifier. And those who will continue to put the Truth first will not only reach their wish for a higher life, but that Truth will go before them to reveal the difference between what is light and what is dark.