Topics covered: The endless stream of thought produces a ceaseless sense of self, each one as temporary as the thought. The sense of self disappears as soon as the wave that created that sense of self disappears; "The roaring of lions, the howling of wolves, the raging of the stormy sea, and the destructive sword, are portions of eternity too great for the eye of man. " -- William Blake; There is a higher order of being that is unchanging, even as everything within it changes.
Topic: Stop Doing this One Thing and Start Being Fearless and Free (Classroom Talk 9/4/24)
Topics covered: There is no way to see what you need to see as long as you only pursue pleasure and what makes you comfortable; Life becomes unnecessarily difficult when you try to extract a sense of self from it. Then that self's life becomes all about trying to tame the very difficulties that it creates; What you truly need is always with you, but your mind is always being misdirected away from looking in the right place.
Topics covered: One particularly pervasive lie in our culture is that we believe that we are only as valuable as other people see us as being; Until what is concealed in us is revealed, it can never be healed; "This above all: to thine ownself be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." -- William Shakespeare
Topic: The Search for the Truth Starts Here (Classroom Talk 8/28/24)
Topics covered: Along with resistance to an unwanted moment comes the explanation about what the moment is all about; The first reaction to an unwanted moment does not have a name. It is a natural instant of something active acting upon something that is passive. The second reaction comes when the mind gives a name to the moment; There cannot be a perceived threat without something from the past naming and explaining what the moment means.
Topics covered: The divided consciousness asks a question about its pain, and then immediately answers its own question; When the mind asks a question, you think you have to answer it; It is possible by the grace of God to come to the end of every last question you have. The question creates the illusion of a self that is stuck.
Topic: An Advanced Lesson in Letting Go of Any Past Painful Moment (Classroom Talk 8/21/24)
Topics covered: Presently we put our explanation of the moment over exploration of the moment. A reversal must take place. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first; The learning of real lessons is more important than anything else that takes place in our lives; An epiphany is the marriage between the exterior condition and the part of ourselves that is stirred by that condition; We are created to participate in the movement of life rather than trying to control it as we do now.
Topics covered: Your experience of life comes down to what it is that you prize most in this life; There is something within you that wants to communicate with you about how to free you from yourself; We know how it feels to want to let go, but wanting to let go, and the ability to actually do it, seem to be miles and miles apart.
Topic: Throw Open the Shutters of the Sleeping Mind and Welcome the Light that Sets You Free (Classroom Talk 8/14/24)
Topics covered: There is no becoming in the Kingdom of Heaven. In that Kingdom it is already done. You are separate from that Kingdom because of a misunderstanding about your true nature; "From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to the light, from death to immortality." -- The Upanishads (circa 800 – 200 B.C.E.); Somehow you are going to have to die to everything that you think you are.