Until we learn how to ask ourselves right questions -- in the right way, and at the right time -- not only will we be unable to find real solutions to our suffering, but the very manner in which we formulate the questions we ask ourselves will serve, secretly, to keep us in a cage of our own making.
Until we stop trying, in vain, to fill the empty moments of our lives with all of the distractions we pursue to quell that ache, we will never see, let alone realize this same sense of emptiness -- that we now resist -- is full of Light, a Living Awareness that neither fears nor wants for anything outside of its own Native Wholeness.
Trying to escape the painful effects of spiritual ignorance is like hoping to lose your shadow by running away from the sun.
Looking for the meaning of any experience by taking thought about it is like focusing your attention on the single thread of a magnificent tapestry and hoping to understand the story it tells by analyzing that one thread. The story is so much bigger than that and... so is your true Self.
There is no such thing as a "bad day"... only our inability to see the Good in it.