Talk Takeaways
A lesson comes along on the back of events to help you see something about yourself that you had never seen before.
Weakness passes itself off as strength, which the moment comes along to reveal as false.
We never question why we live with worry and struggle in order to arrive at a life free from worry and struggle.
Every power that we acquire in the world turns out to be the source of the next pain that we then need to acquire power over.
Whenever we try to control people and events, it is we who are controlled by a nature that is seeking to reach a sense of freedom and peace.
When do we go looking for power? We go looking for power when something challenges the picture of how life should be, when something disturbs the peace. Real power can't be threatened.
What we are actually trying to control is the experience of our own reactions to the conditions that we say are stealing our peace.
Anger, fear and worry are blind because they only see what they do not want, and they are blind to all other possibilities.
Fear of any weakness in yourself is the only weakness there is. "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." -- New Testament
Our greatest weakness is the extent to which we are identified with whatever seems to be a threat to our freedom.
Identification with any image is the same as assuming a position of control. Love takes no position... Love reveals all positions.
Out of identification comes attachment and dependency on the sense of self that fears losing control of the condition it sees as a threat. It has never had control in the first place.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers." -- New Testament
We are free when we no longer agree to participate with what wants to control and seeks power.
The true idea of surrender is seeing that you are engaged in a battle that you do not need to be in, and that the battle has already been won.
Learn to use what is in your power in order to see, not to prove.
Our role is to discover that we do not need to control the movement of life, but that we are a part of the movement.