In the end, and to the point of this work we do, the journey is from outward to inward. The journey takes a person from "out there" (powers and possessions, travel, drugs, new hobbies, friends, relatives, approval, etc.) to an understanding that as long as they look to anything or anyone outside of themselves, it is never going to reconcile or bring an end to the overwhelming negative states such as fear that are wrecking their life.
How to heal from grief after losing a loved one, and use our suffering for its intended purpose, is answered in this insightful video. When an aspirant asks Guy Finley how to heal from grief after losing his wife, Guy explains the difference between the natural pain of loss versus unconsciously revisiting the past which only ensures our continued suffering.
In this exchange with an online viewer, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about a critical stage in the inner development of spiritual aspirants in which a necessary sense of emptiness appears after letting go of painful attachments.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that the authority of negative states such as depression will gradually come to an end when we clearly see and understand the part of us that derives its life from wallowing in the negativity.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that we so often end up feeling bad because we get captured over and over again by something that promises freedom, but in the end delivers nothing but unnecessary pain.
In this excerpt from a recent classroom talk, Guy talks about how agreeing to live with fear, worry, anxiety, depression -- or any other negative state -- is the same as living in the "dread zone," a psychological state of useless suffering that prevents us from being alive and aware in the present moment.
How many of you are short fused? We'll say it in other words. How many of you have virtually no tolerance for anything outside of what you want? On a scale of 1 to 100 degrees, what is your acceptable range relative to meeting moments? Is it something like 2 to 98? Or is more like 78 to 79? That's about it, isn't it? This tiny little bandwidth, and if anything even threatens to...
Have you ever fallen down in a relationship? Fallen down when someone cut you off on the freeway? Fallen down when sudden economic news came at work? Fallen down when a thought revisited you about what mother or father didn't say, or what was taken from you by someone who promised you something and gave you another? Why do we have to fall down? When we...
Here is a simple, straightforward inner exercise to help you put these new secrets to work in your life, and with this, to transform the foundations of your world.
As soon as we see that the healing we hope for begins with releasing our unseen relationship with the parts of ourselves that are responsible for our self-hurting, the sooner our heartaches end.
Guy Finley explains that when strong energetic forces such as anger, rage, and anxiety appear in us, we can either deliberately use them for our spiritual growth, or they will be unconsciously misused and squandered through resistance.
Announcing the worldwide release of best selling author Guy Finley's new book "The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within." Here's your chance to master an extraordinary kind of wisdom unlike anything you've ever heard before... and receive 5 free gifts from Guy. Click here for details.