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Whatever seems impossible, or otherwise impassible in life is inseparable from the extent of our resistance to it; a fear inherent in the way we’re conditioned to see such moments...
View ContentWhatever time you will dedicate to the study and contemplation of the following Divine principles will deliver results far beyond anything you might imagine. Welcome their healing insights as you would the warmth of the sun on your face on a cold and cloudy morning...
View ContentWhen any lie is passed down from one generation to the next, it not only becomes what is believed as being true but, as such, becomes the unsuspected seed of fear, mistrust, doubt, and the pain of unseen self-conflict...
View ContentIt's well known that storm-tossed waves often expose new treasures along the shoreline; there is unexpected wealth to be collected by those who know the secret value of rough seas. And yet, even though most of us have little tolerance for anything that "rocks our boat," the truth of the matter is self-evident...
View ContentAs surely as planting a lemon seed will grow a tree full of lemons, so is the following true: any solution that begins with resisting (the pain of) some unwanted experience will not only prove itself fruitless, but always give birth to more of the same!
View ContentIf we can't give the whole of our attention to someone -- or, for that matter, to any moment -- then we can't listen. If we can’t listen, we can't possibly hear the whole story...
View ContentWhen all is said and done, perfect order and true self-knowledge are inseparable; each reflecting the other in much the same way as is the beauty of a dark-red rose revealed through the eyes of its lover.
View ContentIsn't it true in the moment when you look out and see a beautiful pink sky ablaze at sunset that it awakens the same beauty inside of you? When you see something timeless, when you see something beautiful, what you see is not outside of you. What you see outside of you is simply reminding you of something that you're asleep to in yourself. The beauty isn't out there in a pink moment. The intelligence isn't in a timeless thought or insight...
View ContentWe are so occupied trying to fill our lives with what we want that we can't see how all that we need is being given to us freely every moment of the day...
View ContentWe can no more separate the way we experience any given moment from the level of consciousness involved in the way it unfolds than we can separate waves of water from the ocean that gives rise to them...
View ContentTo the degree you understand that it’s impossible to cling to who you have been, and be free (of yourself) at the same time, are you empowered to let go and outgrow painful negative states...
View ContentWe end the conflict inherent in reliving any painful memory as we awaken to see that no such time, let alone any tormenting thought associated with it, exists outside of an unseen temptation to identify with -- and then relive -- the unwanted experience of what we’ve agreed to remember... again!
View ContentCan you count the number of times you have been present in a moment of your life and realized how much you wished you weren't you? That you hadn't done what you just did, and wished you would never do it again... loathing yourself for your weakness, despising yourself for your ambition that compromises you with every step you take, feeling frightened over some possession you've managed to acquire in the hope of some freedom it promised...
View ContentWhen, before our inner eyes, we always have someplace better to be, or find ourselves struggling to "add a cubit to our stature," we miss seeing two great liberating truths...
View ContentWe will have to repeat whatever we fail to complete in (this) life... until that work is done.
View ContentThere is only one requirement if our wish is to "boldly go where no one has gone before"... and that is to realize that not only are we the explorer, but the new frontier is either found within us, or not at all...
View ContentThe seed of greatness is sown in an instant, but in this world of ours everything great takes time to grow. This means that patience, mingled with persistence, is the special nutriment that sustains all things great. Therefore, should we wish to win the great life, we need only add equal measures of quiet watchfulness to our spiritual willingness and a great goodness cannot help but flourish within us...
View ContentConscious persistence transforms unconscious resistance into Revelation...
View ContentGetting stressed and struggling to change the outcome of any past event is like arguing with an echo to make it see your point of view!
View ContentNo one can be “ready” for a real moment of self-transformation; but we can be awakened, and made aware of its immanent possibility... and then agree, or not, to cooperate with that process.
View ContentWhat’s the biggest lie in the whole world that, not just incidentally, gives birth to its twin that we call “fear?”
View ContentAny time we find ourselves sinking into some dark mood, getting more and more disturbed over some past unwanted moment, the first thing we need to see is the truth of the following: The reason we can't drop what's dragging us down is because we're connected -- in that same moment -- to a lower level of consciousness that likes to show us and give us good reasons to feel bad...
View ContentEvery shocking revelation we are given to see, and to realize (if we will) as true about our present nature is -- at its heart -- an unseen act of mercy...
View ContentThe agility of the "thinker" to explain and justify its mistakes -- AFTER it makes them -- is not insight; such "cleverness" is nothing more than its capacity to deceive itself...
View ContentThe grace of God is immeasurable; it is we who measure all we are given to see -- and to be, accordingly...
View ContentWe can never hope to be free as long as any part of us struggles with, or suffers over what others are doing, have done, or won't do with their lives. Besides, if we could remain aware of the often-compromised state of our own character, that is, how we still do those things to others that we don't want to do, this awakened conscience would stir in us a new need. Rather than worrying about whether so-and-so gets his comeuppance for being the...
View ContentOnly in a sustained conscious awareness of our (own) suffering are we awakened to see, and to know, accordingly, the healing presence of a Divine Light...
View ContentThe painful experience we have to any unwanted moment is inseparable from being momentarily identified with our own negative reaction to it...
View ContentLessons are not in books; never in words no matter how sublime...
View ContentThe true purpose of any troublesome "mountain" that seems to appear out of nowhere -- standing directly between us and what we want -- isn't to make us into better climbers, or even to finally crest its summit...
View ContentIn a moment of crisis, would you say that you're easy-going? Are you wide-open and joyous to be with? Or, in a crisis, would you say you're about as tense as a human being could possibly be? Isn't that true? The more tense you are through resistance, the more negative you become. The more negative you become, the more resistance resists itself. And the more you resist yourself, the more tense you become. So you run left, you run right...
View ContentUntil the peace and pleasure found within us is equal to -- or greater than any consolation found outside of ourselves -- then our power to be patient, loving, and profitable in every moment is, at best, conditional...
View ContentOne of the hardest things to understand about the true spiritual path, and the struggles along the Way, is that the inner struggle we fear losing has already been won for us...
View ContentThere is no Love in thought; no wisdom in knowledge. There is no kindness, let alone compassion in any image; were Michelangelo himself to have painted the likeness of the most tantalizing loaf of bread ever imagined... still, it could do nothing to ease the pain of hunger.
View ContentThere is a story greater than ours, unfolding in each present moment, inviting us to embrace it as our own. Here is a true story to illustrate this idea. Under Paris is one of the largest catacombs in the world -- a hundred square miles of underground passages. Lamps for guided tours light up a small portion, while most of the rest remains in the dark. Two men got it into their heads that they wanted to go into the unexplored region of the catacombs...
View ContentHere is what we must see if we would be free: In the throes of any unwanted moment we're not just resisting what we see as responsible for our pain, but, imprisoned (as we are) by our own negative reactions...
View ContentThere are no signs, no words that mark the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven; it is a lowly gate, unadorned save for the faint light that shines out from within it, welcoming all those who are weary of walking in the dark...
View ContentThere lives nothing real in our past -- regardless of how disappointing or painful it may have been -- that can grab us and make us its captive...
View ContentWhat awakens you is not what shakes you in that moment; the light by which you see anything dark within yourself, comes from above the conflicted, lower level of self it serves to reveal... and heal.
View ContentIsn't it phenomenal that we spend our lives trying to produce powers for ourselves to protect and keep in place all the things that we believe are necessary for us to have a life with the least possible worry? And yet, our days are consumed with spending thought and emotional energy trying to figure out how this change affects that, and what that change means over here -- all the time trying to put back together a life we hope to finally have without...
View ContentBelieving that avoiding the experience of an unwanted, or otherwise unknown moment is the same as freedom from the fear of it is like being lost in the African bush, crossing paths with a hungry lion, and hoping that if you just look the other way... it will too!
View ContentOnly as we run out of ways to explain our pain to ourselves do we come to realize the true source of that suffering; a revelation that includes the shocking fact that whatever keeps giving us the reasons for this pain... is inseparable from its unwanted, yet unabated continuation.
View ContentHonesty heals; lies hurt. In these four words live all one needs to know and practice...
View ContentWe are carried along in the stream of passing time by (our) dream that freedom from stress, strain, and struggle will be ours as soon as we reach their “promised land” of perfect security...
View ContentThe solution to all stress and tension is a mind that is made aware of itself as being the producer of that stress and tension. Stress and tension are products of an unaware, unawake mind wrestling with its own contents to free itself from struggle. Relief from that tension is not to struggle with more things or to become stronger than what stresses you, but to recognize the relationship between how you are involved in your own mind because of that...
View ContentJust as a prism takes in sunlight to reveal its hidden array of colors, so do impressions pass into and through (our) awareness...
View ContentThe purpose of a compass is not to tell you who or what you are; it’s created to give you trusted guidance, so you don’t lose your way...
View ContentAnytime we feel a need to stand in the healing light of the Divine -- and act to honor that wish -- we are shown a truth...
View ContentIn the following material, you will read the innermost thoughts and feelings of inspired seekers who have gone before you. Some names you may know; others you will be glad to meet! But, as you journey along with them, sharing in their discoveries and discouragements, one thing should grow increasingly clear: the spirit that called them -- that awakened their hearts, and quickened their minds -- so that they might have...
View ContentNo revolution of the exterior kind, no movement dedicated to opposing the “powers that be,” has ever changed the consciousness that creates and sustains the system of those powers against which it pushes back...
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