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The only thing that discouraged feelings do is to keep you busy doing nothing except feeling sorry for yourself, which is the perfect guarantee that your sorry situation will remain hopelessly the same. Enough is enough! You don't have to put up with one more discouraging moment, let alone a life filled with its darkness. That's right. There is another choice you can learn to make besides fa...
View ContentThe sure way to guarantee that those painful voices in your head will continue to disturb you... is to keep listening to what they have to say about your life...
View ContentOur attention is precious. Our attention may be the most important thing that we own, and almost none of us own any of our own attention. Anybody can take it. A phone call can take it. The news can take it. Look in the mirror and it can be stolen. I'm looking in the mirror and I don't look anything like I'm supposed to look, and if I look in the mirror and I don't see what I like, where does my attention go?
View ContentQuestion: My wife has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and probably a year to live. I am trying to take everything you've taught me and pull it all together so I can somehow go on. Should I tell her how much time she has left (because the doctors won't tell her, and she doesn't want to know)? Her priorities would maybe be different if she did know that time is very short.
View ContentThe great gulf between what one knows is true, and one’s ability to be a true human being, is wide indeed; but, take heart...
View ContentBeing in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment...
View ContentBeing in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment...
View ContentQuestion: Thanks to your teachings, I have new understanding of how each experience reveals to me what I am in relationship with, and for the first time ever I see that I have the choice of knowing I am not thoughts of resistance, and that I don't have to follow any pull of false promises in challenging moments. I have seen a Presence that guides me, that allows an inner space in which to watch it all unfolding. This Grace has taught me that I am...
View ContentIn this short talk given on New Year's Eve, Guy talks about the greatest mystery of this work, which is that the mind always wants to be in motion because it's trying to reconcile the disturbance from not being what I am, where I am, using thought in an attempt to reconcile the present disturbance with a future promise.
View Content Download AudioIt's crucial for us to understand that the thrust of our habitual thinking lives with its attention fixed, not on beginnings, but on the end of things. Don't we always wonder what our lives will be like tomorrow? Aren't we forever dreaming about how different things will be once we win this or achieve that? Don't we, in our mind's eye, perpetually walk towards a brighter moment to come, thinking about how good we'll feel once we're able to resolve some...
View ContentIt's not the unwanted moment that limits our possibilities, but rather that we meet it from a limited part of us; where, without our knowing it, an unconscious nature has already decided...
View ContentQuestion: What is the most important idea entrepreneurs should be thinking about for the coming year? And what is the most important question they should be asking themselves and their companies?
View ContentThe perfectly present moment is both the seed of who you are and of your experience of now. And just as you can't separate who you are from your experience of now, neither can you separate now from the real moment of change. They are the same. You can't end conflict later. You can't stop being sad, or cruel, or angry, or scared, or anxious later. Later does not exist in reality. This self-created, false concept of time allows it to create yet...
View ContentWe have no idea about the nature of real power. It isn’t the ability to control or otherwise resolve the outcome of some conflicted relationship in life...
View ContentPerhaps you've worked hard to be more aware of yourself in the Now, and that for this effort you catch a glimpse of how quick you are to judge others, to criticize them for their "failings." This pain that strains you -- and those you touch with it -- is itself a creation of a false sense of your own perfection. But your awareness of its punishing presence within you is the same as your invitation to transcend the negative nature that is responsible for it.
View ContentWhat is one of the most limiting ideas that our physical senses report to us? The idea of time. "Time! Where's it going? I can't hold onto anything, try as I might: what I won; how you felt; the way she looked; the things I love..." Like the torrent of a strange river that vanishes from view as it rounds an impassable bend in a shadow-filled gorge, what is past just disappears, leaving only memory in its wake, itself subject to the ravaging passage of time.
View ContentBeing in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment...
View ContentIf our heart is set on finding something that is not of this world, then we must stop looking for it there...
View ContentIt should be obvious, but it’s not: we can’t protect our heart and keep it open at the same time...
View ContentEverything is singing; all things created, even those that seem to make no sound are, nevertheless, instruments of a silence that never stops ringing out...
View ContentThere is no greater power for healing than the love of what is True; by its light we see and discover that every moment of our life bears a message just for us...
View ContentWhenever we find ourselves in some "unwanted" part of ourselves, perhaps reliving an old heartache or caught in the throes of some irrepressible anger, old fear, or unyielding worry, part of this unwanted moment includes our certainty that we're trapped in this condition. And compounding our confusion over feeling ourselves captive in this way are all of the attending negative inner voices.
View ContentWe are not bound by any unwanted condition, but rather by our failure to realize that we’ve become unwitting prisoners of our own misplaced attention...
View ContentThe more any thought pushes you to run toward a time of some anticipated rest, the more you should work to slow down to see the following truth: with one hand, an unconscious self points to a “peace just ahead,” even as its other hand is stirring up some form of anxiety that you might not get there!
View ContentAs the sleeping mind -- driven on as it is by unconscious desires -- awakens to see that the only thing thought can do is make circles, it slowly stops seeking...
View ContentIf we don't wake up, and break the cycle of useless suffering, it will break us.
View ContentWhat could be more natural than letting go? Think about it. If half of our life is spent meeting moments that are natural endings, then what are we to do with these things in our lives that can no longer serve us in a meaningful way? The answer? We must let them go! To do anything else would be unnatural, even unhealthy for us.
View ContentThe spiritual journey is not a movement through time, as if one travels from “here to there”; rather, it is an indwelling realization of the interaction of celestial forces giving birth to an immaculate conception...
View ContentAttending to, completing what each moment asks of us is the business of Real Life. In the silence of this relationship is revealed and received the wisdom and wealth of True Self...
View ContentI've been a pirate... looting the hearts of any I could board and pillage for my pleasure. I've been a priest... consoling, and confusing any I could deceive and profit from by my practiced piety. I've been anyone... that everyone wanted me to be...
View ContentThe easiest thing in the world is to walk around unconsciously feeling superior to everyone we meet. But with what do we measure? A critical spirit? A judgmental mind? What kind of eyes have to look down on another to convince themselves of up?
View ContentEvery shocking revelation that we are given to see about ourselves is -- at its heart -- an unseen act of mercy; it is the herald of an order of forgiveness unimaginable to the human mind.
View ContentSpiritual blindness is not of the eye; (it is) the dark effect of being unconsciously identified with a lower level of consciousness that has no interest in looking beyond its own deeply conditioned beliefs... for fear of falling off the edge of the only world it knows.
View ContentLies hide fear. Fears hide attachments. Attachments hide dependency. Dependency hides the fear of emptiness...
View ContentWhenever we kneel to the temptation of some consoling indulgence, or struggle to acquire a power to protect us from a fear... we yield to, and serve the pleasure of a darkened desire that has promised, once again, to save us from (our) pain...
View ContentOn this one point all saints, sages, and illumined beings agree: there is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the divinity within. The first step in learning to be still isn’t really an action at all, meaning that it’s nothing like we might ordinarily think of doing when we want our world to stop spinning like a top.
View ContentReal self-change begins with seeing that Real Life is change itself...
View ContentThe more we allow our mind to drift where -- and will -- as it pleases, the more likely will we find ourselves having fallen into some form of unexpected suffering...
View ContentHow desire always imagines a solution to whatever our painful problem may be, often seeming to arrive at what feels like the perfect answer. But, desire itself is imperfect...
View ContentThis world we live in is filled with increasing conflict. And the question is, is there any way in which we as individuals can become something that is not a continuation of this suffering so that by our own work we begin to be a different kind of human being? The answer is most assuredly yes, but to do so, we must first work at new understanding.
View ContentHe alone is self-realized, of whom it may be said: for him, it is enough to be just what he is, as he is; nothing more or less is either needed, or required...
View ContentThe only thing a thousand failed attempts to find the peace we seek proves is this: some unknown part of us -- we've mistaken as being us -- keeps us looking in all the wrong places...
View ContentThe growth of our soul rarely unfolds in a light that we recognize as such. Many times darkness is the medium, sorrow the seed, and the subsequent humility conceived in these trials... is the divine garden in which flowers our soul...
View ContentThere are in existence, as part of creation, extraordinary primordial opposites. We know them as darkness and light, expansion and contraction, attraction and resistance. We don't know anything about resistance. What we know is to be ruled by resistance in our lives, instead of recognizing it as being part of a creative force meant for us to develop.
View ContentPersistence -- without our awareness of the parts of us that steadily insist there’s no further we can go -- is a recipe for frustration; this painful sense of self slowly morphs from simple despair into an unholy cynicism that...
View ContentIf you are engaged in an interior dialogue with yourself, you are not listening to Divine guidance. In this short talk, Guy talks about keeping it simple. The higher answer to the pain of difficult moments is to see the consciousness that is responsible for the pain, not in struggling to change all of the exterior conditions that are blamed as the reason for the suffering.
View Content Download AudioDark patterns born in the shadows of life repeat themselves and -- by the nature of the forces responsible for their initial creation -- must grow a little darker with each (descending) iteration...
View ContentOnce we learn what it means to see the truth of ourselves -- to accept each revelation as a herald of the healing it brings -- then we will not only understand what it means to accept each moment as it is given, but we will also learn to be grateful for what it has come to teach us about ourselves.
View ContentThe fear of what may lie just ahead does not exist without the unconscious parts of us clinging -- painfully -- to what no longer serves the purpose for which it was originally created...
View ContentWhat's the first thing we see when we hear news that runs counter to what we want? The evidence suggests we don't really "see" anything at all; instead, our attention is seized, absorbed by a familiar negative reaction whose only wish is that the unwanted moment just go away. This resistance acts within and upon our consciousness as a "blinding" and binding force, so all we can "see" is our own negativity over what we wish wasn't...
View ContentOur first action -- regardless of circumstance -- must be to give our complete attention to all we are being given to see, and to be... accordingly...
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