Self-Realization / True Self

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  1. Who We Really Are Cannot Be Lost
    Special Lesson

    Who We Really Are Cannot Be Lost

    • Posted: 12/16/24
    • 942 words
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    What is one of the most limiting ideas that our physical senses report to us? The idea of time. "Time! Where's it going? I can't hold onto anything, try as I might: what I won; how you felt; the way she looked; the things I love..." Like the torrent of a strange river that vanishes from view as it rounds an impassable bend in a shadow-filled gorge, what is past just disappears, leaving only memory in its wake, itself subject to the ravaging passage of time.

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  2. A World in Which There Is No Limit to the Possibilities
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    A World in Which There Is No Limit to the Possibilities

    • Posted: 07/09/24
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    Isn't it phenomenal that we spend our lives trying to produce powers for ourselves to protect and keep in place all the things that we believe are necessary for us to have a life with the least possible worry? And yet, our days are consumed with spending thought and emotional energy trying to figure out how this change affects that, and what that change means over here -- all the time trying to put back together a life we hope to finally have without...

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  3. Do Not Oppose What Opposes You
    Short Talk

    Do Not Oppose What Opposes You

    • Posted: 08/31/23
    • Meeting: 06/24/23
    • Time: 00:06:25
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    Will you speak more about how resistance can be our ally to make peace with what is incomplete? How we can remain open when we feel attacked in that moment, not later when the light goes on and I hit my forehead, seeing the test to see if I learned to be open?

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  4. Find Your Way to a New Level of Being in Quiet Seeing
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    Find Your Way to a New Level of Being in Quiet Seeing

    • Posted: 03/21/23
    • 634 words
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    There is a simple, self-evident truth, a certain kind of insight that is the ground of self-realization. It is actually the ground of a person's gradual entrance into a new level of being. Using a simple analogy, the more still the waters are in a lake, the truer the reflections from that body of water. If the surface is rippled, you see nothing. If it's just barely rippling, you see just some of what is being reflected from above.

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  5. The Unthinkable Leap that Takes You Beyond Yourself
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    The Unthinkable Leap that Takes You Beyond Yourself

    • Posted: 11/17/22
    • 735 words
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    Wouldn't it be a real relief to get outside the limitations of negative reactions? But how do we get there? How can we be certain we're headed in the right direction?" Here is a great secret known only by those who have made the journey before us: Walk away from the mental "how" into the spiritual Now. And here is one of the keys to this special instruction: The journey outside of yourself doesn't...

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  6. Move from the Mental How into the Spiritual Now
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    Find the Secret Entrance Into the Life Immortal

    • Posted: 06/30/22
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    There is no "right" road to follow that leads to the realization of one's immortal Self. If we wish to be one with a celestial consciousness, capable of responding with effortless wisdom to any demand -- regardless of its nature, high or low --t hen all images of such a being must be thrown away. St. Paul provides us with the reason why we must agree to die to those parts of us that hope for a higher life to come...

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  7. Move from the Mental How into the Spiritual Now
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    How to Start Attracting Higher Help

    • Posted: 03/28/22
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    Living from our present life-level, we are almost always nervous about what's going on around us. Why? Because we still live with the mistaken notion that who we are is somehow affected or determined by what happens to us. Events may happen to you, but you are not the event. Just as clouds are not the sky, you are not what moves through you. You are not who you think you are.

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  8. Move from the Mental How into the Spiritual Now
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    The Great Secret Hidden Within Each Moment

    • Posted: 01/20/22
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    Whenever we put ourselves on the side of what we know is true, then the truth takes our side, lending us what is noble, needful, and divine. Truth sees to it that we are strengthened by wisdom, sheltered by light, and that our hearts know the peace of having fulfilled her plan. And the more we choose in favor of being awake to our own True Self, the sooner we will come to realize...

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  9. Move from the Mental How into the Spiritual Now
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    Start Your Life Over Right Now

    • Posted: 12/18/21
    • 347 words
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    I want to share with you a great secret. The world will never tell you this because it is too interested in trying to sell you what you need to change who you are, but the fact is that a change in our nature is not evolutionary. It's voluntary. We must see, then understand and act accordingly that if we are not active in changing our life -- and more importantly in understanding the nature...

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  10. Move from the Mental How into the Spiritual Now
    Special Lesson

    Realize Your True Self in Stillness

    • Posted: 08/27/21
    • 320 words
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    We have lost the relationship between what we see with our eyes and the registration of it as an aspect of our own True Nature because we don't see what we see; instead we think about what we see. And when we think about what we see, what we receive is the content of thought that has stored that experience. We don't receive what is real, alive, changing, creative, and forceful.

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  11. Stop Resisting "What Is" and Find Your True Self
    Short Talk

    Stop Resisting "What Is" and Find Your True Self

    • Posted: 03/30/21
    • Meeting: 01/10/21
    • Time: 00:01:58
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    In this short video, Guy explains that whenever we have the painful feeling of being alone, we are actually keeping the company of something within us that is resisting the moment as it is.

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  12. Let Yourself Reflect the Perfect Chain of Change
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    Let Yourself Reflect the Perfect Chain of Change

    • Posted: 01/28/21
    • 738 words
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    Our True Self is not a person. It is a great spirit. And it is part of a ceaseless flow in which the idea of "good" and "bad" only exists because in that flow has been born a certain creature, given an imagination that has created a self in the name of itself. And there you have all of the problem. When you resist what life brings and don't accept it, all you're really doing is....

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The Essential Laws of Fearless Living

Here is your step-by-step guide to building the foundation of a fearless life. Learn how to see through the illusion of limitation and become unstoppable.

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