Topics covered: There is no moment that does not have meaning. Every moment has meaning. The pain that we have experienced in most moments has been due to not understanding the meaning of the moment; We cannot be in psychological pain without resistance, which points to something outside of you as being responsible for the pain. The pain cannot be separated from the resistance...
Topics covered: The spiritual path is the path of negation, not affirmation. You must lose your life in order to gain it; Immortality is the gradual realization that you are already whole; We were raised to believe that our worth is based upon how others see us; We were raised to believe that there should never be any disturbances; When the observer and the observed are not separate for us, we are a participant in creation, rather than the observer...
Topics covered: The intimate enemy is a consciousness that is asleep to itself but does not know it; As long as we have good reasons for why we suffer, we are never going to transcend painful patterns; Something in us believes that there are good reasons to suffer over things that we have no control over; Sufi story: "I lost my donkey, but at least I was not riding it at the time." We are not meant to be saddled by negative thoughts and feelings...
Topics covered: We keep trying to change the exterior circumstance instead of waking up to our own expectations and demands; The way that we know we are good is how much we want to punish others for not being good; Letting go is the recognition that holding on hurts. The intelligence in awareness will not harm itself; The unattended mind will inevitably reach out and touch something that will cause pain...
Topics covered: Men and women have become masters at burying their secret despair; There is resistance inherent in creation. All light that touches any form elicits resistance. That resistance cannot be escaped. Our problem is that we do not understand that resistance so that it can be used properly; There is a constant communication between the source of creation and the creation...
Topics covered: Real existence is being rooted in an awareness that doesn't pursue anything because it is already a part of everything; There is no addiction that doesn't begin with a sense of self that feels incomplete; In order to win the approval of others, we have to sell ourselves. Our sense of self is dependent upon exterior conditions; There is no fear without the fear of disappearing, without the fear of losing myself...
Topics covered: Letting go has nothing to do with our exterior circumstances. What we have to let go of is anything that lends us an identity; There is no such thing as a healthy attachment. When there is a challenge to the attachment, then there is fear; With awareness of the pain of an attachment comes liberation from it; Letting go begins with awareness of how much it hurts to be attached. Awareness reveals the need to let go...
Topics covered: We try to change exterior conditions in order to change our experience; There is nothing more practical than self-understanding. And there is nothing more empowering than self-knowledge; When we are afraid and anxious, who or what is it that is taking the action to change my experience? Fear and anxiety pretend to be guides; Letting go is about discovering the parts of us that promise power but ultimately make us powerless.
Topics covered: We have been conditioned to believe that who we are is dependent upon conditions; Psychological fear is the belief that who we are can be threatened by exterior conditions; Fear needs to control the conditions that threaten the existence of that self-structure; You can't change conditions, but you can change your relationship to them. That's where fearlessness starts; Any fear that you feed is going to consume you in the end...
Topics covered: Why do we deflect unwanted moments instead of using them as a point of reflection? What is the teacher other than the moment that we don't want?; In the end, what we are looking for in all of our searching is ourselves; Everything in creations longs to touch and to be touched; It isn't life that is overwhelming us... we are overwhelmed by our unconscious resistance to life...
Topics covered: When we have pain in our relationship with others, we never turn to ourselves and wonder, "What is this about?"; We have no idea what to do about our pain, let alone why we have it; The people and problems in your life are not there to produce suffering, they are there to reveal to you something latent in your consciousness that you do not yet understand; There is no "self" without relationship. It is a mutually dependent experience...
Topics covered: Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer; Our life moment to moment is a ceaseless interaction with a matrix of divine and earthly energies that always respond in appropriate measure to whatever we as human beings put forth into that life; Prayer is for the betterment and perfection of ourselves, but it also serves unknowingly as the source of a punishment if we're not aware of ourselves...