Guy provides deeper insight into ideas from recent talks as students report on their experiences and observations while working with various exercises. Topics include consciously watching a complaining nature within, and the difference between being a "teacher" of Truth and a living expression of it.
See yourself exhibiting signs of EIAAM: "Everything Is All About Me." Write down examples of EIAAM in your own life, such as needing to have the last word, interrupting in conversation, judging others, feeling sorry for yourself. Find your dominant instance of EIAAM so you can learn more about what is currently running your life. As you allow the unseen to be seen, without judging it, you begi...
Guy provides deeper insight into ideas from recent talks as students report on their experiences and observations while working with various exercises. Topics include consciously choosing not to go with old patterns, bearing the pressure of painful thoughts, and working to allow revelation.
Catch any strong reactions you have to an event, a piece of news, or to a conversation with someone that fills you with negativity. See how this sudden onset of pressure tempts you to set out on a path to resolve the pain. Observe the pain and the nature that resists the moment. That old nature's problem is no longer your problem when you are conscious of the pain that it produces.
Work to catch the reaction of blame when something happens and you become impatient, anxious, or angry. Consciously bear the pain you are in and become aware of the temptation to blame. This will draw to you the higher help that you need to use the pain for a greater purpose.
See that you are caged by resistance, reactions and distractions that seek to avoid any kind of empty feeling. Agree to enter into the "big empty" and see that the avoiding nature is filled with unconscious resistance. The more empty you are willing to be the more you will understand the nature that wants to fill the emptiness with the noise of self.
Catch those moments when a switch is thrown inside you and you start running a race or want to straighten somebody out because they are bothering you. Come to a stop and see that you are trying to get something or become something to escape what you are that moment. When you become aware of the cage you are in, the way out is by remaining aware of it and agreeing to die to the part of you that...
Come awake in those moments when something in you is resisting life and watch how your mind prompts you to do something in order to restore balance to your world. Remain with this nature and witness how it tempts you to save yourself yet again, and then don't do its bidding.
Catch the thoughts and feelings that consistently appear whenever a disturbance comes, then step off the "memory-go-round" and onto solid ground. Reclaim your attention and be aware of the movement of these thoughts and feelings without being moved by them. Remain for as long as you can in that awareness, watching and witnessing the movement.