Where is the border between conscience and unconsciousness? The reason the world is beyond repair is because it is populated by a race of beings that now believe that they are conscious. They are not conscious; you are not conscious. The proof that you are not conscious is that you hurt one another, that's the proof of it. And that you hurt yourself, that's the proof of it. Every time you talk to yourself, every time you punish yourself...
Our attention is precious. Our attention may be the most important thing that we own, and almost none of us own any of our own attention. Anybody can take it. A phone call can take it. The news can take it. Look in the mirror and it can be stolen. I'm looking in the mirror and I don't look anything like I'm supposed to look, and if I look in the mirror and I don't see what I like, where does my attention go?
We struggle as best we can to free ourselves from dark unwanted states but invariably find ourselves short of the mark. Slowly but surely, one thing becomes clear: we start to see that calling upon who and what we have been to save us from our suffering is like asking a windstorm to neatly pile our autumn leaves.
One of the things about the spiritual journey that is so difficult -- because of what it asks of a person -- is that we must reach the point where we look at our life as it is and realize that we cannot have what our heart longs for in our life such as it is. We come to a full recognition that we are indeed a house, and a spirit in a house, and that the house has had its way with the spirit but that the spirit was never intended to be commanded, dominated by the house...
Every one of us who has ever been thrust into some seemingly overpowering circumstance is more than equally empowered to understand the following: What we receive in those life moments amounts to our individual life experience... and what we experience as our individual life has to do with that level of life's possibilities that we embrace and ultimately express...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the difference between observing a particular psychological condition -- such as feeling a lack of energy -- and resisting the condition.
Let me tell you a little story. An aspirant, someone who wanted to make the discoveries that you and I are interested in, went to the master that she was working with, and wanted to know why it was that her transformation machine -- which was designed to turn lead into gold -- wasn't working the way it was when she saw her master use it. She says to him, "Look. I know it's built the same way. It's got the same parts. What's wrong?...
For the majority of us, what we call being renewed has nothing to do with what is real renewal. Mostly what we feel as renewal is when some idea or a hope that we have gets fulfilled, filling us in turn with a sense of excitement; and then, in that feeling of being full of ourselves, comes a certain kind of pleasure that we take as being the same as self-renewal in this life.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that real meditation involves being present to both the interior world as well as the exterior world at the same time. That presence is the center of all things.
All of our life experiences have been trying to teach us a certain grand lesson: Liberation from our captive condition (whatever that may be in the moment) cannot come by further deliberating it. We can see the wisdom in doing nothing toward our own troubled thoughts and feelings when we realize that the only way not to be dragged under by these negative states is to stay...
When you don't -- when you consciously won't -- express some negative state, you are literally asking for awareness of a higher self. Here's why... As you don't express that state, you become conscious of yourself as the ground upon which it is breaking as well as the presence of that visiting state. In this moment of new awareness there is something there inside of you, with you...
Question: "Two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm doing better now but how can I let go of the fear of waiting for the other shoe to drop?" Listen to Guy's answer as he explains why waiting in the middle of any fearful reaction is the only place to catch a glimpse of a higher message.