In this answer to a viewer's question, inner-life author Guy Finley talks about doing the right thing in our relationships with others, and how unconditional love does not mean unconditionally tolerating people who repeatedly refuse to see where they are hurting themselves and others.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that liberation from any addiction begins with seeing the dual nature of the divided mind that claims to not want the pain of the addiction, while at the same time being attracted to the sensations that come with getting the next fix.
Mistaking intruders for welcome guests in your inner home is not nearly as uncommon as you may think. Isn't it true that each of us knows firsthand this everyday experience? One minute you're walking along without a care in the world, and the next minute you feel as though you're carrying the entire world on your back! Your inner home, where you really live, has been temporarily...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that the ending of any form of addiction begins when we stop following the suggested actions for resolution that come from the very problem itself.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how self-knowledge is the power needed to triumph over any kind of chronic addiction, physical or psychological.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that we so often end up feeling bad because we get captured over and over again by something that promises freedom, but in the end delivers nothing but unnecessary pain.
Have you ever wondered why – with so many people talking about the need to make real changes in their lives – so very little actually changes? It's pretty obvious: Addiction, dependency, and the conflict and fear they breed, are more prevalent and problematic than ever before, even if made to appear otherwise by popular justification. But what isn't so obvious is the reason...
The more we intend to uncover the parts of us complicit in creating self-defeating patterns such as addictive behaviors and codependent relationships -- and how we're always dragged down by this unconscious proclivity -- the more liberating discoveries we will make. It's a law: Ask to see the truth (of yourself) -- then do what you must to be granted that revelation...
Guy Finley explains why fear is a form of spiritual sickness, and what one must do to return to spiritual health.
The energy of life is always washing over you... but when you don't know what to do with that energy, you become dependent on conditions outside of you to stimulate a sense of self, and then become fearful anytime those conditions change.
Guy Finley reveals that the "self" that grieves over an unwanted event is the same level of self that dragged you into the situation in the first place. We have the capacity to use the shock of that realization to wake up and let go of the pain.
Guy Finley addresses the path to freedom from addictive medications. Change is possible, and we are created to be free from everything that now holds us captive.