Classroom Talk: 02/09/2025 - Perfect peace is not found in some time to come; it has never not existed now. We are created to perfectly reflect this truth...and, in so doing, to realize its freedom.
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Classroom Talk: 2/8/2025 - Pretending to be a loving person, while inwardly being resentful, is pain; A nice deep breath will always help you to digest more of the many impressions that are raining down on you; The secret source of our painful, ongoing imperfections is our fear of them; We don't see the judgment in ourselves because we are identified with what we are judging; Creation is an unfinished business...
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Classroom Talk: 02/02/2025 - Nothing created has (a) weakness that isn't (already) married to a strength that fulfills its purpose. The only exception to this celestial law is found in an unconscious nature that imagines it has some strength of its own, and that - for having become identified with the illusion of this false image - lives in constant fear of anything that comes along to challenge its dream.
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Classroom Talk: 01/26/2025 - The path to self-perfection weaves its secret way through the land of imperfection, where only the conscious awareness of what we are shows us not just who and what we have been, but all that we are made to we agree to be perfected right where we stand.
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Classroom Talk: 01/19/2025 - Awakening is the (graduated) process of negating all forms of identification; (it is) the realization that no matter how real the feel of any familiar sense of self - for its pleasure, or pain - nevertheless: no sensation does a "self" make, any more than a wave on the sea creates the sea from out of which it rises, and must return.
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Classroom Talk: 01/12/2025 - Being in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment.
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Classroom Talk: 12/15/2024 - Being in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment.
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Classroom Talk: 12/14/2024 - If our heart is set on finding something that is not of this world, then we must stop looking for it there.
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Classroom Talk: 12/08/2024 - We are not bound by any unwanted condition, but rather by our failure to realize that we've become unwitting prisoners of our own misplaced attention. Which means that before we can liberate ourselves from this bondage, we must first do the inner work it takes to free our attention from the unconscious nature that misdirects it.
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Classroom Talk: 12/01/2024 - Take Your Rightful Place in the Divine Revelation of Life
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Classroom Talk: 11/24/2024 - How to Stop Judging Yourself and Others
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Classroom Talk: 11/17/2024 - Real self-change begins with seeing that Real Life is change itself.
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