This world we live in is filled with increasing conflict. And the question is, is there any way in which we as individuals can become something that is not a continuation of this suffering so that by our own work we begin to be a different kind of human being? The answer is most assuredly yes, but to do so, we must first work at new understanding.
There are in existence, as part of creation, extraordinary primordial opposites. We know them as darkness and light, expansion and contraction, attraction and resistance. We don't know anything about resistance. What we know is to be ruled by resistance in our lives, instead of recognizing it as being part of a creative force meant for us to develop.
Every one of us who has ever been thrust into some seemingly overpowering circumstance is more than equally empowered to understand the following: What we receive in those life moments amounts to our individual life experience... and what we experience as our individual life has to do with that level of life's possibilities that we embrace and ultimately express...
When it comes to our wish to make real changes in ourselves, good intentions cost (us) nothing... and that's why the road to hell is paved with useless coins. On the other hand, making a conscious effort to change -- in the moment that calls for it -- comes with the cost of seeing ourselves as we really are. This awareness shows us not only the possibility of being released from our worry and fear...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley talks about making an exercise for yourself as a reminder of your wish to not get carried away by habitual negative reactions when they appear.
In this short video, bestselling "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the importance of continuing to do your interior work, especially in those moments when it seems that nothing in you wants to do it.
In this response to a viewer's question, Guy talks about how mere intellectual knowledge of spiritual principles is not the same as acting on and applying those same principles in the midst of your own life.
In this question and answer session, Guy talks about how we must stop relying on intellectual concepts and instead start doing the actual work of seeing ourselves as we are.
We are always in school. Our lives are intended to be dedicated to self-study, which would mean that we are always present to ourselves. Being a student in the true school of life means that our studies are instantly applicable to our lives.
In order to nurture our own awakening, we must first see the need to let go of those parts of us that we sense no longer serve us. This new kind of self-awareness is the interior “seed state” needed to outgrow and transcend our former level of self. But these seeds of higher self-knowledge must, in turn, become new actions if they are to awaken us to our immortal Self...
Before you can step out of the rush and into your own life, you must first see that while anxious, hurried feelings often lend a temporary sense of self-importance, these same racing emotions actually rob you of the power you need to be self-commanding. A brief investigation will confirm this finding. Self-command begins with being able to choose your own direction in life. And whether you're...
There is a hidden part of you that knows, without thinking about it, how to always be perfectly relaxed, carefree, and in command. This higher intellectual and emotional intelligence is to your present thoughts and feelings as is the mighty oak to its own spreading branches. Once you come into contact with its perfect strength and power, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Great mas...