In this excerpt from a recent classroom talk, Guy talks about how agreeing to live with fear, worry, anxiety, depression -- or any other negative state -- is the same as living in the "dread zone," a psychological state of useless suffering that prevents us from being alive and aware in the present moment.
Every moment is the right moment to start seeing ourselves as we are... regardless of whoever may be our "partner" of the moment. Maybe it's the person in that long line with us, complaining about how slowly things are moving. There's no better time to practice seeing yourself than when some part of you can't wait to "pounce" on the impatience of someone else. How about being ...
The depth to which we see something is directly proportionate to the consciousness that is attending to what is being presented in the moment. As we are now our lives are very superficial. But we're meant to be in relationship with life at a much deeper level.
Catch every thought that wants to make you the star of the moment. See that talking to yourself about "What does this mean and how am I going to get through it" is actually self-importance having its way with you. Reach for another relationship with life in which you don't have to think incessantly and painfully about how each and every moment affects you and your imaginary reputation.
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Topic: Discover, Transcend and Transform the Tragic Flaw that Darkens Your Days (Classroom Talk 11/13/24)
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Topics covered: There is no becoming in the Kingdom of Heaven. In that Kingdom it is already done. You are separate from that Kingdom because of a misunderstanding about your true nature; "From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to the light, from death to immortality." -- The Upanishads (circa 800 – 200 B.C.E.); Somehow you are going to have to die to everything that you think you are.
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Topic: Escape the Invisible Prison Most People Pay to Live In! (Classroom Talk 11/22/23)
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Topics covered: Spend less time trying to prove yourself, and more time BEING yourself. But "being yourself" is not what the world conditions all of us to believe; Connect the experiences that you don't want with the consciousness that creates those same experiences; Fear lies beneath the compulsion to be seen as someone important; What is important is to understand the importance of life. And what is most definitely NOT important is to...
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Classroom Talk: 11/22/2023 - The "importance" of any given moment is inseparable from whatever may be the momentary sense of "self" responsible for lending it that significance. If we are to have any hope of realizing what is actually important in this life -- which is to see through the illusion of a separate self -- then we must be honest enough to admit the following truth: What really makes one moment seem more important than any other...
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Student Talks: 4/28/2023 - Key Lesson: Once we realize that living within the limits of the known is the same as the limitation of our spiritual possibilities, there is no recourse other than to depart the safety of all that we have been... in favor of discovering all that we're created to be.
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Topics covered:We get into trouble because we keep putting ourselves in the hands of an unconscious part of us that says, "Now I know what I have been doing wrong"; The first step of going beyond what is false is to recognize it as being false; What makes us so sure that we are right? What we KNOW. Our certainty. This is what sets us against other people and against life itself.
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