There is a part of us that summarily rejects the moments when we see -- by a light that we would rather not see -- our actual condition. And in that moment of helplessness, we have a choice to recognize that were it not given to us in that moment by something greater than what we don't want to see, we would never be able to see it... and never have the opportunity to transcend ourselves...
The reason that we do what we do is because we are looking for the truth of ourselves. It doesn't matter - wanting to learn how to cook, wanting to start a new business, looking for a new relationship, wanting to learn how to write a book, surf, sumo wrestling - whatever it may be. And as many people as there are hearing or reading this... wherever you are, all over the world and in this room...
Long before it's possible for us to be spiritually reborn, we must first awaken to ourselves. Awakening is the sudden realization that somehow or other what I took to be the only world isn't the only world. Because the way the mind works now, it looks out and there's just this world with you that messes with it and me that wants it right. It's all one world to me.
Each spring great forces are released to work upon and within us. During this time of the year the possibility of making a brand new beginning in life is never greater. Why is this true? Because spring also "dawns" within us, and if we will align ourselves with the power of its presence, then working for us is the unstoppable principle of rebirth itself. But, if we would receive this new life...
Guy Finley, Director of Life of Learning Foundation, explains that the only way to find real freedom is to become aware of the fact of our captivity. Then there is a humility born through which a higher will can work within us.
The day will come when you understand that you are intended to be a "message catcher of the Divine" waiting for its breeze to touch you and bring new understanding into your heart. But in order to receive its message, you need to wait in the one place where it can touch you -- in stillness.
There exists in you a level of being that can know the spirit that is about to speak before it speaks it. This is the meaning of the scripture, "I go before you to make the crooked places straight." This higher order of "I" is present before the will of a lower "I" is about to act. When you see through its eyes you will not want to enact that which would punish yourself or others.
Life of Learning Foundation founder and director Guy Finley explains that the beginning of freedom is in the awareness of our inner captivity. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's Online Wisdom School,, where you can join other true aspirants from around the world as we work to invite higher understanding into our lives. Members of the on...
Guy Finley, the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, explains that the world we see with our eyes cannot lift us into the world of our true possibilities, but we can catch momentary feelings which are a reflection of a world above us and within us. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's online community,, where you can join...
The idea of Mother's Day is beautiful, but it is not meant to simply celebrate our mothers with false sentimentality. It is meant to be a reminder of humility, receptivity, and an openness to receive and conceive the new birth within ourselves.
"Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains what Mothers Day represents spiritually, and what a real "Mothers Day" actually is.
Without the soul there is no relationship to the Divine. Our relationship with the Divine occurs because of this tiny magnetic part within us that is capable of developing. We can't see leaves grow, and likewise we cannot directly see the soul grow. And yet, like a tree that opens its leaves when it gets what it needs from the sun, so does the nascent soul open up its sails when it receives th...