Every relationship that we have in our life -- our contact with each person, place, and event -- serves a very special, if yet to be realized, purpose: it is a mirror that reveals things to us about ourselves that can be realized in no other way. I think this is one of the reasons that so many of us love to be out and about in that great showroom of life called Mother Nature.
In this one-minute wisdom video, Guy talks about how we already have everything we need to fulfill our purpose, if only we will allow ourselves to be revealed by the light that transforms everything it touches.
There is a higher relationship that has nothing to do with anything personal at all. It is the realization of the existence of strength, of majestic beauty, of power... and that realization is inseparable from the consciousness in which it appears. And that consciousness isn't personal. It belongs to what is Divine in a human being and it is a gift of the Divine.
All through the ages the Wise Ones have spoken of an invisible kingdom--a timeless ground known as the Now--that will confer to those who realize it a peace that surpasses all understanding.
The big problem that we have is not that right ideas don't blow our mind from time to time, because sometimes they do. The problem is that our minds don't stay blown apart. We can't seem to sustain that sense of awe and proper gratitude. Only sustained immersion in the living higher principles and powers -- that real life is always freely giving -- can bring thought to a...
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Student Talks: 11/29/2024 - Every shocking revelation that we are given to see about ourselves is -- at its heart -- an unseen act of mercy; it is the herald of an order of forgiveness unimaginable to the human mind.
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Topics covered: You keep looking to the order of this world to save you, hoping that some new law will fix everything that is wrong. The laws that you look to in order to rescue you are the very things that beats you down; A negative state happens when the laws that you cling to are broken by anyone or anything that doesn't agree with your law; Until you understand that order comes before laws, you will look to laws to reestablish order.
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Student Talks: 1/7/2022 - Key Lesson: Much as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it holds true: our experience of any given moment -- for its light or darkness -- its joy or sorrow -- is cast in the image of the consciousness momentarily awakened to reflect upon itself.
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Topics Covered: Waiting for the other shoe to drop; Catch a glimpse of the message; Wisdom never dies; Protecting yourself from your own mortality is a fool's errand; Opposites come out of a unity; Recognize that the reaction is the answer to the challenge of the moment; Struggle consciously to wait where the message can reach you; Don't try to free yourself, that is what reactions do...
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Student Talks: 5/17/2019 - Key Lesson: In a world of unconscious beings -- steeped in an ever-increasing immorality -- self love is worshipped as Godliness; where, for the sleeping masses, hypocrisy -- practiced to perfection -- passes for goodness. It has always been this way, so that anyone who comes to shed light on the...
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Classroom Talk: 9/8/2024 - Words are rocks in the stream of consciousness; no name is the experience it seems to define. Experience - like the flow of a river - is a silent, wordless movement. We can either live in, and from the conditioned experience of a word, or in the timeless awareness of experience itself.
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This content is only available with All Access Membership