Guy explains that the cycle of wanting doesn’t end when we get what we want because the unconscious mind thrives on the sensation of itself, continuously seeking the next fulfillment. The satisfaction of desire is fleeting, and as soon as one craving is met, another arises to take its place. True freedom comes not from resisting or suppressing desires but from seeing through the illusion that wanting or not wanting can ever bring lasting peace...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how our lives are reorganized when we start to see that our own will is in conflict with Life's Will. The Divine knows what we need before we know it. When we see that with more clarity, then that observation will organize our mind in such a way that we will begin to recognize what the Divine is revealing to us in each moment.
In this short talk, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the necessity of seeing truths about ourselves that the majority of us does not want to see. The "self" that fights with life, in order to get what it wants, does not want to fade away. It exists to desire, then expire its desires, and then imagine new desires. See the pain inherent in trying to keep that circle of "self" in place...
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the painful deception of believing that what we want is the same thing as what we need. What you really need is to see that the wanting never ends.
Ask yourself: how many times have I won the object of my desire, only to find out that it wasn't enough? How familiar do the following statements seem to you? "This is the greatest thing that's ever happened... but what if..." "I love you... but..." "This moment is almost perfect... all it needs is..." The prize won, whatever its name, doesn't end the feeling we have of needing...
Topics covered: What this consciousness that we are born into sees, is not the real world; Close encounters of the truthful kind; The pain of any experience is created by coming into that moment already sure of how that moment should go; What IS can only be what is, and we presently live outside of what is; We are intended to exit every moment we enter as a different order of human being.
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Topics covered: The root of fear is the mistaken belief that something outside of yourself can make you whole; The fearful self must defend itself against anything that threatens its image; Who you really are has no beginning and no end. But you must stop trying to save yourself in order to really know that; Not wanting a negative state actually nourishes it. Resistance is a form of negative attraction.
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Topics covered: Real evolution is the awakening of the soul to its natural relationship to that which created it; We are created to transcend every split second whatever it is that you become aware of that needs to be transcended; The true aspirant has the sense that something is missing, and that the journey back home is inward, the path of negation; Awakening is discovering that here is there.
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Topics covered: Real evolution is the awakening of the soul to its natural relationship to that which created it; We are created to transcend every split second whatever it is that you become aware of that needs to be transcended; The true aspirant has the sense that something is missing, and that the journey back home is inward, the path of negation; Awakening is discovering that here is there.
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Topics covered: We can never change our past by thinking about it. The past cannot be changed by revisiting it; Letting go begins with seeing where it is that we have been passive to thought telling us who and what we are; How can we have a quiet mind and content heart as long as outside conditions determine what makes us happy?; The source of all psychological suffering is not-wanting.
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Topic: 7 Words That are the Seed and the Fruit of Self-Liberation (Remastered Classic Talk) (Classroom Talk 1/15/25)
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