Classroom Talk: 11/06/2024 - The growth of our soul rarely unfolds in a light that we recognize as such. Many times darkness is the medium, sorrow the seed, and the subsequent humility conceived in these the divine garden in which flowers our soul.
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There lives nothing real in our past -- regardless of how disappointing or painful it may have been -- that can grab us and make us its captive, any more than dark shadows have the power to keep us from walking into the sunlight.
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Student Talks: 12/23/2022 - Key Lesson: Part 1: We cannot hope to find true peace without fulfilling the purpose of (our) life, and we can't fulfill that purpose without awakening to the Web of Divine Relationships within which the purpose of (our) being has already been sown. So that anything working to interfere with this realization is, at best, delaying its revelation...
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Topics covered: Though we are not usually aware of it, we live within a field of forces that is perfectly organized; Your hope rests in being the willing recipient of the revelations about yourself that are always being given; We are not here just to serve nature. We are created to serve a greater good; When you are complaining about your life, you are participating in the futile attempt to bring order...
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Topics Covered: Setting out on the spiritual path is not about achieving a result. We want to place ourselves on a path where there is a never-ending possibility of discovery and realization; At their root all negative states are connected to the fear of death. Not only the death of the physical body, but also the death of a cherished sense of self; An epiphany is the revelation of an understanding...
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Topic: Unmask the Dark Master of All Fear, Sorrow and Regret (7/28/21 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 7/28/2021 - Along the interior path, the aspirant must face what seems many separate temptations; but, in truth, there is but one. In the end, the root of temptation is the desire to see and to feel oneself as being "special"... the cost of which is to be thrown into conflict with anyone, or anything that threatens this image. Self-liberation is seeing this conflict for what it is...
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Topics Covered: Whenever something in you says "I can't," what is really behind that is "I won't"; The nature that never wants to meet its limitations will filter out anything that does not conform to its image of itself; We are meant to be more than we presently are. Our present sense of self doesn't satisfy us. We have a longing for something higher so we might be elevated into...
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Student Talks: 7/16/2021 - Key Lesson: Part 1: Whatever we seek in this world to confirm our sense of self, the same serves to corrupt us. Should you doubt this, just become aware of your compulsive need to constantly be assured that whatever "kingdom" you've created for yourself... is still there. Part 2: Blessed are those who love, for they shall be loved; but for those who love not -- but only imagine they do -- even what little they have shall be taken... and they shall neither know love, nor be loved.
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Topics Covered: In the same way we derive an identity from our possessions, we derive an identity about the qualities and characteristics we imagine about ourselves. That mind becomes dependent upon its own images; Everything requires contrast in order to understand the consciousness that created it, and to ultimately transcend it into a love that doesn't compromise itself...
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Topic: Go Beyond Fear and Sorrow By Being All That You Are (2/3/21 Classroom Talk)
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Topics Covered: The extent to which something in us judges ourselves and others seems to prove to us the extent to which we are in the right; We are not on the Earth to prove ourselves to anyone. Instead we are here to use the moments we are given to discover what is true about ourselves; Addictions are produced by identification with an unseen image from which an identity is...
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