Any person who believes in a passage to heaven as their right for merely professing some belief -- or who asserts he or she is already being one of heaven's bulwarks -- is not just deluded but constitutes a real danger to anyone foolish enough to believe in their assertion of having such privileges.
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Topics covered: Part of the purpose of a true school is to continually bring in front of your mind that which it does not want to encounter; We are convinced that we have to do something in order to free ourselves from negative states. The temptation to do something is suggested by the level of the negative state; Nothing can be healed in you until it is revealed in you; Something in us does not want a wrong relationship to change out of fear that...
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Classroom Talk: 7/10/2024 - What awakens you is not what shakes you in that moment; the light by which you see anything dark within yourself comes from above the conflicted, lower level of self it serves to reveal... and heal.
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Topics Covered: Spiritual life is a ceaseless series of departures; The antidote is in the venom; In my weakness is Thy strength made perfect; The nature that wants to fit in is in a prison; Eliminate the mechanical man or woman, and you eliminate what is maniacal; "Give me liberty or give me death" is a fact of spiritual life; The emptiness we fear doesn't exist without...
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Topics Covered: The fear of reprisal is a form of regret before the event takes place; You don't have to prepare a way for yourself, the way is already prepared; The lower consciousness is a memorabilia collector; Find the pain itself, don't follow the reason given for it; Watching the sleeping consciousness try to tempt you; Pain always appears with the reason for it...
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Topic: How to Use Any Empty Moment to Enrich Your Soul (4/19/20 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: How to Use Any Empty Moment to Enrich Your Soul (4/19/20 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 4/19/2020 - Life will empty whatever you fill -- and whatever you empty, Life will fill. That's the code: it is the higher, still hidden understanding required to realize the timeless splendor of the soul, all wrapped in mystery and filled with bittersweet contradiction.
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Classroom Talk: 9/25/2019 Just as... it's the nature of water to "want" whatever path it's provided, so does True Self flow into and through whatever may seem to momentarily obstruct its will -- and its work -- to return to its Celestial Source.
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Classroom Talk: 9/11/2019 When all is said and done...there is only one true freedom: it's called holiness. But we must not fail to note this evocative word is not the same as actually being whole any more than -- in and of itself -- the name "sugar" is...sweet!
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