How to heal from grief after losing a loved one, and use our suffering for its intended purpose, is answered in this insightful video. When an aspirant asks Guy Finley how to heal from grief after losing his wife, Guy explains the difference between the natural pain of loss versus unconsciously revisiting the past which only ensures our continued suffering.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that the fear of being rejected by another person is caused by a mind that is reliving an old painful memory, tricking you into believing that what happened in the past is the only possibility.
We talk to ourselves about making a fresh start and even plan the path we will take when things get right... but that's it. We think, but rarely act. We dream, but won't awaken to the one fact we must face if we want a new life: There is only one place where we can hope to make a fresh start in life, and this has to be in that place where life itself is new all the time...
At our current level of consciousness, we experience ourselves as beings who have a certain emotional state of energy come into us, which defines and shapes our individuality. But the fact of the matter is that there is no such self. Not really. There are just these states of energy and the fleeting sense of self that their undetected possession produces...
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It's impossible to die to the pain of our past... as long as we remain identified with an unconscious nature that can't seem to go through a day without reliving some dark memory it then summarily resists.
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Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
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Classroom Talk: 4/17/2024 - Part 1: Fear of any weakness is a part of the weakness feared. Part 2: The more we try to forget our weaknesses, the stronger they become.
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Topic: How to End the Daily Painful Dramas in Your Life (Classroom Talk 5/3/23)
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Topics covered: There is nothing that you can do in a dream to wake you up from the nightmare of being a human being who is spiritually asleep; Unlike all other creatures, you have been given the gift to be aware of your own consciousness, as opposed to being asleep within it and a captive of its own movements; The mind creates a dark drama and then struggles to find a way to escape from the very scene...
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Classroom Talk: 5/3/2023 - There is no thought, no memory from the past that of itself can cause us pain; the only reason we suffer for their appearance is because we don't want to relive the unwanted experience they remind us of... not to mention how -- for our resistance to that same recollection -- we become its unwitting captive.
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