This world we live in is filled with increasing conflict. And the question is, is there any way in which we as individuals can become something that is not a continuation of this suffering so that by our own work we begin to be a different kind of human being? The answer is most assuredly yes, but to do so, we must first work at new understanding.
Almost every day I receive a letter, an e-mail, or phone call from an aspirant who wants to know, essentially, the following: "What must I do to succeed spiritually?" Or, in a slight variation on that theme: "What's the right way to do what I must in order to awaken?"
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks about how we are presently not in charge of our own mind, and what we must do in order to be free of its authority over us.
Part of our essential need to be at peace is to know that we are in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, and to know it in such a fashion that nothing can come along and convince us that we are not. Have you ever thought to yourself "I'm doing the right thing at the right time," and someone said, "No, you're not," and then everything fell apart?...
In this short video, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how we need to stop relying on self-made images of a better future to rescue us, and instead wake up to enter into the living Now where we are already rescued.
In this short talk, Guy clarifies that we don't really need to move closer towards the light because we are actually already with the light and the light is with us. We simply need to wake up from the illusion that we have to pursue what is already here.
Awakening to Real Life occurs in direct proportion to waking up from our own sleeping nature -- a fact which brings us face to face with some of life's oldest and greatest spiritual mysteries. The myth of the phoenix, the riddle of the sphinx, even the story of Christ's birth in a dimly lit stable of barnyard animals... all point to the existence of one nature dwelling in the midst of another...
We have all felt the pain that comes with resentment, anger, depression, or any other negative state. But the sense of self, the identity that seems to be real whenever we feel those states is a fabrication. That self can only continue to exist as long as we believe the story it tells us about why it is necessary to suffer.
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You can't study spirit directly, but you can learn to see what's divine and celestial in the world around you. In studying a fire you come to understand what's required in order for the wood to become enflamed. Similarly, in your spiritual life, if you wish for the holy spirit to come into you and transform you, you must do your part, by bringing yourself to the place where revelation can take...
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Everything begins now, and now isn't a "time to come." Now is the intersection of the Divine with passing time. The heart of that cross is Presence. It is where what is true intersects what can know truth.
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Guy explains that in order to come into a real life, you need to work to stop passively giving into fear and start taking action that allows you to see yourself as you are. As you start to see the truth of yourself, you'll begin to discover possibilities you never knew were in you. Here's an exercise designed to help you be proactive in your inner work.
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This content is only available with Basic Membership