Question: In this time of economic downturn, is there anything to say to those of us who have experienced losing a job or a home? I don't know what to say to my friends and coworkers who are suffering. It's easy to tell them that the universe will provide and that something better will come along when I'm not the one in their position. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.
In this short video, Guy talks about how revisiting the past is a present pain that produces more unnecessary, useless suffering. Catch the temptation to revisit the past and realize a life that is being fulfilled and completed in the present moment.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains how healing from something bad that happened to us in the past begins with observing and letting go of the part of us that finds a peculiar thrill in reliving the event.
Do you have storms in your life that haven't passed? Storms that were formed when you were 4, 8, 12, 15, 20 years old? Pains, resentments, fears that remain in conflict in the center of your being? We live in a very peculiar state of being. We live with pain, heartache, grief, and fears that go on and on. And not only do they go on, but they actually tend to get worse...
The "healing" we need, the sense of wholeness for which we search, has nothing to do with adding anything to ourselves. This needed healing comes from recognizing that the pain we have -- along with the suffering inherent in being negative over this pain -- is born out of participating in a series of illusions that have been handed down from generation to generation!...
Guy Finley, Director of Life of Learning Foundation, explains that the only way to find real freedom is to become aware of the fact of our captivity. Then there is a humility born through which a higher will can work within us.
To see the truth of the above is to understand how important it is for us to be as fully mindful as possible in the midst of a disagreement with our partner.
Authentic self-healing begins with truthful self-seeing, so that each discovery of what darkens our path in life moves us toward higher, happier ground.
Here is a simple, straightforward inner exercise to help you put these new secrets to work in your life, and with this, to transform the foundations of your world.
The peace of the perfectly present moment, in which dwells the kingdom of heaven, is what our heart of hearts longs to know.
Real correction, at any level, always purifies the matter and so leaves it less confused and thus in a higher state.
The reason perfect love casts out fear is because any unwanted condition willingly embraced loses its power over us.