In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy talks about how we cannot hope to help other people until we ourselves become a living example of what we expect from others.
Negative states don't want to leave. They don't want to lead you to the end of a relationship with them. They want you to follow them so that they remain your guide, and essentially your god. That's what negative states want. So every time you're angry or frightened or worried and those thoughts and feelings are talking to you and you're listening to them and doing as they instruct...
How many of us think that there is no individual action that we're ever going to take as a human being that's going to have global impact, even though all of us would like to be a leader or a hero? I want you to understand there is no such thing as an insignificant act on the part of a person who wants to wake up and be a different human being. Every last one of us is endowed..."
What you experience isn't the event but the content of your own past experience within its narrow confines.
Be willing to do without what you must if you see certain things that tell you that what you are embracing is destroying everything, including your chance to be a true human being.
Our willingness to teach for the purpose of learning is every bit as important as is our willingness to learn what we must in order to grow.
There is a very old, familiar expression that states, "The journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step." That commonly used phrase has a great interior, spiritual meaning. It is saying, "Wherever you are, whatever you have to do, no matter what it is that is in front of you... Just start!" Anyone who has ever done some sort of physical exercise on a regular basis knows that sometimes th...
There are parts of us that seek the approval of other people. And the degree to which we seek the approval of another is the degree to which we are owned by that person. But this also applies inwardly, as we seek approval from what we call "ourselves." To be more specific, we actually seek approval from "our" negative states. For example, we constantly ask the state of fear whether or not it...
Topics covered: Everything you do to "courageously" get rid of fear is the continuation of the fear; Not knowing what to do about whatever state is boiling in you is the same as actually seeing the state as it is; The thing that you feared your whole life is the place you find freedom. The antidote is in the venom; Emptiness will always be filled naturally if you will stop trying to fill it through your own efforts.
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Student Talks: 2/3/2019 - Key Lesson: There's only one way to ensure a Divine wind remains at your back... and that is to always turn and face whatever you may fear.
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No fact is frightening unless it runs into conflict with what we want.When this happens, the fear is not in the event -- but in us -- who havedecided that in order to feel secure, life must jump through our hoop. So,the fear we feel is in our hoop, not the fact that life may have jumpedunexpectedly.
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When You Command Yourself, You Command Everything We never know what life will bring. And if we're not sure if we will be able to handle it... if we're not sure how we might react that could make things worse... we can't ever feel comfortable or at ease. But it doesn't have to be that way. It's not supposed to be that way. You can stop being afraid of life. You can stop being afr...