In this answer to an online viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that, rather than being afraid of our perceived limitations, we can actually use them to discover fearless aspects of our consciousness that we didn't know were there before.
Have you ever noticed how the more negative you get, the more difficult everything about your life becomes, including being able to do the simplest things? It's like suddenly sinking into dark molasses, where not only can't you move, but everything you don't want seems stuck to you!...
Before we can experience the truth of a higher state of consciousness, before we can stand on the ground of ourselves that is the secret stuff of Reality, we are asked to quietly be who and what we are in the Now. To do this we must learn to let go of those parts of our present nature that are never quite pleased with what is. After all, doesn't it seem that we are always in some sort...
How many of you know that, on any given day, you will be standing before a wall? Every single day, to one degree or another, a person runs into something like this: "God, I don't want that," "I wish I wasn't feeling this way," "Why are they doing those things they're doing?" "Oh my God, I've put on 5 pounds," "Oh no, look at the economy"... any one of a thousand different ways in which...
Have you ever noticed that the more negative you get, the more difficult everything about your life becomes, including being able to do the simplest things? Even your intention to work spiritually in some way -- to develop and transcend yourself -- now sits in the hands of a very negative self, a dense level of self that sees nothing but darkness ahead of it.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that setting so-called "boundaries" for yourself is the same as rejecting what the moment would reveal to you about yourself. There is no need to psychologically protect yourself using thought. Conscious awareness of yourself is what offers perfect safety.
It's safe to say that most us wrestle with some kind of frustration on a daily basis. This kind of dissatisfaction can be with ourselves, over what we can or can't get done -- or with others, who may deny us our wish or otherwise disappoint our expectations. Accordingly, we can feel as though we are blocked, incapable, unable, not strong or wise enough to move ahead as we would.
There do come to us in our lives, for any one of innumerable possible reasons, certain conditions that challenge the very fabric of our being. Certainly, none of us would think to ourselves, "I wish upon myself these difficult circumstances," and yet the truth is it is through and because of these same unwanted moments that we are granted the opportunity to meet parts of ourselves...
Just as the sun rises each morning to dismiss the twelve hours of darkness that came before, so the appearance of spring signals a similar moment - only in a greater scale of time; for with the dawn of the spring, the many dark months of winter must loose their collective grip, giving way to a gently increased measure of light and warmth that stirs the earth from its slumber..."
Have you ever looked down at a sidewalk or parking lot and marveled at a single blade of grass that had somehow found the will and the way to break through the pavement and out into the fresh air and sunlight? When we think of a titanic struggle, we don't usually think of a little seed of grass buried in the darkness and fighting to get out in the light. And yet, even though we may...
Topics covered: In the end all dissatisfaction comes from not being connected to the source of our life; There is no such thing as psychological fear without negative imagination; Don't look for power. Instead realize where you have agreed to be powerless; Judging a fear is fear's action; The majority of the world thinks that success is the ability to cover up fear...
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Topics covered: Relationship is the crux of life; We are meant to be self-developing human beings; Relationship is revelation; Three stages of love; For love to grow, we have to grow; What we call compromise in our relationships is kicking the can down the street; Love never blames or separates; In your patience, possess ye your soul; Perfect love casts out fear...
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