When you look at a flower in springtime, standing there with its beautiful petals and leaves, can you understand that flower is not the life alone that you see coming out of the ground? That flower belongs to a much greater life than the individual expression that you behold and say, "Isn't that beautiful?" You could never experience the radiance of the flower or utter those words if it...
There is always something talking to us, and we don't know better than to talk back to it. The next time you find yourself caught in negative dark dialog, try to see that it doesn't exist without a corresponding so-called positive aspect, promising the end of dark days and a brighter future. In that awareness you stand in the middle as a point of observation, as opposed to...
Student Talks: 3/15/2024 - Key Lesson: Being is a conscious relationship with what is now; knowledge is a relationship with what was, the conditioned content of the past.
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Student Talks: 3/17/2023 - Key Lesson: Before we can hope to stop reliving any unwanted moment from our past, we must see that our experience of it is inseparable from how we ourselves have named it.
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Topic: Take Off the "Hat of Unhappiness" and Welcome a Brand New You (Classroom Talk 3/8/23)
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Topics covered: The moment that a reaction gets named you have been set up to have a painful moment, because that consciousness resists the very reaction that it has named; Revelation of resistance is the release from the captivity of that resistance; "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." -- William Shakespeare; An object or a condition cannot exist...
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Topics covered: Our task as spiritual aspirants is to explore. And whatever qualities we discover within ourselves are neither good nor bad of themselves, but thinking makes them so; When you discover something about yourself, the revelation of that discovery has its own corresponding action; Punchline of the story about the professional actor: He does not know anymore when he is on stage...
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Classroom Talk: 3/8/2023 - Only in a world turned upside-down could someone actually believe that his daily dose of stress, anxiety, and despair somehow proves he is as special as he imagines himself to be.
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Topics Covered: Desire is not the answer to the sense of being incomplete; Enter completely into the emptiness; What measures everything will never know what is immeasurable; Revelation of our consciousness is the beginning of not being afraid of it; The only thing that bothers us about anyone else is what we want from them; The first priority is to see something that...
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Topic: Wake Up and Walk Out of the Dark Dream of Negative Assumption (9/29/19 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Wake Up and Walk Out of the Dark Dream of Negative Assumption (9/29/19 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 9/29/2019 - Part 1: Refuse to negatively anticipate a problem, and you won't have anything to resist. Part 2: Any negative assumption that pops up in us about ourselves -- that darkens our aspirations for a higher, happier life -- are like sharp thorns on the stem of a fragrant rose: their only the power to cause us pain is if, or when we...
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