If you were empowered to change life -- in order to give yourself whatever is always good and true for you to know and have -- would you ever make any other kind of changes? For example, would you fear unexpected events, such as a loss of some kind? No! Even though they may come as a surprise, you already know that they herald a new beginning of something better.
Guy answers how to stop being anxious with his quote, "As goes my attention so comes my experience." When anxiety has your attention stuck on worrying about a stressful situation that's your experience. A change in attention relieves us from the stressful connection to anxiety.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that a feeling of frustration with another person is the downstream effect of carrying around an image of ourselves as being perfect. Never blame another human being for how you feel. The condition that you blame for the painful feeling of impatience is not outside of you.
In this question and answer session, Guy talks about how the first thing we must realize about any toxic relationship is that we are at least one-half of the equation, and that we refuse to let go of the relationship because there is something that we want from it.
In this question and answer session, Guy talks about how we could save ourselves and others a lot of pain if before we speak we would become fully aware of the pressure-filled part of us that feels compelled to talk about everything that it knows.
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Topic: The Invisible Path to Self-Liberation Starts Here (Classroom Talk 5/15/24)
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Topics covered: The purpose of a parable is to stir a mental, emotional, and physical impression; As in the parable of the talents, each person is given talents for the purpose of making the most of what they are given to be. To be the best you can be means to take what you have been given and transform it and increase it in the way only you can do...
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Topic: Use this Simple Key to Start Realizing Your True Self (Classroom Talk 6/15/22)
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Topics covered: Painful frustration and impatience always appear together, two sides of the same coin; The whole idea of tolerance is born out of self-righteousness that is unaware of itself; The so-called accomplishment of getting what you want sets into motion the conditions that will run counter to what you want staying in place, which means that you will then have to find something new...
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Classroom Talk: 6/15/2022 - The ever-anxious feeling that life owes us something -- that we're entitled to have our demands met -- creates two problems at once: first, we are unable to see, let alone realize all that Life keeps trying to give us and, at the same time, the more quickly we are to blame life for the pain created by our own impatience.
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