Why do I ever get frustrated with someone or something? Why am I frustrated with them? Because they're bringing up inside of me what I don't know what to do with, because they are making me aware of a pain that was part of my life before I sat down to have the pie with them -- that's why.
In this short talk, Guy explains that no matter how fast or far we may run, it is impossible to outdistance, let alone hide from what we don't want to see in ourselves.
Can you think of a way in which you regularly sabotage yourself? You sabotage yourself when "something" in you acts against yourself. Now, for most of us, we have a passing understanding of an idea like that because we recognize that we don't want to hurt ourselves. We don't want to hurt others. We don't want to be a burden to this planet. We don't want to do a lot of the things we do.
Instead of wishing that difficult moments would just go away, bestselling "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about the possibility of meeting those moments of crisis for the purpose of discovering something new about yourself.
In this answer to a viewer's question, Guy explains that self-judgment cannot exist without an image of ourselves that we hold onto. To see this fact is the beginning of the end of painful judgment of both yourself and others.
In this response to a viewer's question, Guy talks about how mere intellectual knowledge of spiritual principles is not the same as acting on and applying those same principles in the midst of your own life.
If we were to take the whole human race and try to see its nature as being one creature, what kind of animal comes to mind for you? For me, the answer is evident: humankind most resembles an ostrich. When a disturbance comes along this creature sticks its head in the sand so as not to see what's taking place. This is not unlike closing our eyes in the hope that an approaching...
We are a peculiar race of beings. On one hand, each of us professes to be concerned with growing and self-developing while, on the other hand, none of us ever wants to be wrong. This is a paralyzing contradiction...
Real correction, at any level, always purifies the matter and so leaves it less confused and thus in a higher state.
Consciousness of any unwanted condition in us must precede its correction, just as the rising sun dismisses any of our fears imagined hidden in the darkness of night.
Real spiritual strength is realized, slowly, by daring to detect and drop the blind negative states that we've been allowing to define us.
The visitation of every dark thought or feeling -- every despairing condition that washes over us unaware -- transforms our life into its own.