The seed of greatness is sown in an instant, but in this world of ours everything great takes time to grow. This means that patience, mingled with persistence, is the special nutriment that sustains all things great. Therefore, should we wish to win the great life, we need only add equal measures of quiet watchfulness to our spiritual willingness and a great goodness cannot help but flourish within us...
Topics covered: Our mind is always struggling with what is happening because it does not match up with what it believes should be happening. As a result, we see everything as being flawed; Presently our lives are predicated upon struggling to get others to see life the way we do; Being spiritually asleep, resistance becomes our chief advisor, telling us what we have to do in order to get rid of the pain of unwanted moments.
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Classroom Talk: 11/13/2024 - How desire always imagines a solution to whatever our painful problem may be, often seeming to arrive at what feels like the perfect answer. But, desire itself is imperfect, because it is the incomplete work of an incomplete nature... trying to perfect itself as it imagines it must in order to be free. And yet, as paradoxical as it may seem, it is only through our awareness of imperfection that the light of the Divine reveals...
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Topics covered: There is no action that we take that doesn't begin with an impulse born of an unseen set of energies that inhabit us; The mind's analytical interpretation of a disturbance is not the actual reality of that moment of disturbance. The reactions that come out of the mind's analysis are based on illusion; Everything we do to change our experience of moments we don't want comes from an unconscious, mechanical will that does not belong to who you really are.
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Classroom Talk: 2/10/2019 - Part 1: The contempt inherent in any sense of (unconscious) familiarity is innate in the false sense of security it seems to provide. Part 2: The real meaning of any unwanted moment can never threaten the truth of our innermost Self. In fact, the present moment reveals what it does...
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Student Talks: 2/1/2019 - Key Lesson: It is through one's awareness of imperfection that the Divine reveals the possibility of realizing -- and then manifesting -- its endlessly eternal perfection.
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This content is only available with All Access Membership