Letting Go author Guy Finley explains the esoteric meaning of the well-known passage from scripture to "sell all and follow me." It's an illusion that we possess anything in this world - instead it is we who are possessed by the things of this world as we unconsciously derive our identity through them. Once we see through this type of identification, we understand what it is that must be "sold" inwardly speaking.
In this Q&A Guy Finley explains that what we really fear being judged is what we have imagined ourselves to be and what we then think we need to do to protect what we've imagined.
In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains that every sleeping human being is a narcissist, seeing nothing but him or herself in everything that happens, and then not wanting anything that challenges the glorified self-image. Freedom comes from the seeing of these facts.
Look around you, wherever you may be and at any moment. Try to see through the roles of actors and actresses crossing this or that stage of life; look past their appearances and seeming differences and you'll find all share one thing in common: people do the things they do in order to try and provide themselves with a feeling of being complete. They sense that there is a...
We must learn to recognize, realize, and release those moments in which we find ourselves struggling with what has "unmade" us. Here's how one recognizes the moment in which this unmaking has taken place: if you're getting negative, life has come, and it's unmade (you). It's taken away that precious image we have of ourselves where we've imitated someone or something...
Every human being has a longing in their heart to transcend their present level of understanding and reach new possibilities. In order to do that, we are all going to meet the giant of discouragement. We become discouraged when we see ourselves not live up to some idea or image we have when a moment comes along and we can't succeed as imagined in that moment...
Topics covered: Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer; Our life moment to moment is a ceaseless interaction with a matrix of divine and earthly energies that always respond in appropriate measure to whatever we as human beings put forth into that life; Prayer is for the betterment and perfection of ourselves, but it also serves unknowingly as the source of a punishment if we're not aware of ourselves...
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Topic: The Long Strange Journey to Being Happy with Who You Are (Classroom Talk 11/27/24)
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Topic: Take Off the "Hat of Unhappiness" and Welcome a Brand New You (Classroom Talk 3/8/23)
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Topics covered: Our task as spiritual aspirants is to explore. And whatever qualities we discover within ourselves are neither good nor bad of themselves, but thinking makes them so; When you discover something about yourself, the revelation of that discovery has its own corresponding action; Punchline of the story about the professional actor: He does not know anymore when he is on stage...
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Classroom Talk: 3/8/2023 - Only in a world turned upside-down could someone actually believe that his daily dose of stress, anxiety, and despair somehow proves he is as special as he imagines himself to be.
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Student Talks: 9/9/2022 - Key Lesson: The harsh, or otherwise cruel judgment of ourselves feels like it's part of what's necessary to perfect ourselves... when, in truth, it's actually a mechanical movement of an unconscious mind punishing itself for not being as it's imagined it's supposed to be.
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