Question: I don't know why sometimes I feel so much resentment toward the very people whose approval means the most to me. It just doesn't make sense. When these times come, not only am I unsure of why I am acting the way I am, but I don't even like myself. It doesn't add up! How can a person be in charge of his own life one minute, and in the next minute find it in someone else's hands? What'...
Real spiritual strength is realized, slowly, by daring to detect and drop the blind negative states that we've been allowing to define us.
Most people want very much to be strong, but they do not seem to be able to find the real strength they yearn for.
Any time we pretend to be something we're not, we do so out of fear that without that "persona" to protect us we won't get what we want.
No human being has any authority over you. Your life belongs to you and to you alone. No scowling face or irritated manner, no challenging posture or threatening tone has any power to make you feel nervous or anxious, frightened or angry. What this means is that if we are not living life completely on our own terms -- if there is anyone in our life that dominates us...
Real self-command dawns within us as we realize that reliving the past is powerless to change a present misunderstanding.
We imagine the impossible for ourselves to temporarily look upon ourselves as doers of greatness. Work to do the possible by conquering our own self-created imaginings.
Classroom Talk: 9/4/2024 - When any lie is passed down from one generation to the next, it not only becomes what is believed as being true but, as such, becomes the unsuspected seed of fear, mistrust, doubt, and the pain of unseen self-conflict.
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This content is only available with Premium Membership
Think for a moment what your life would be like if you lived in a world where reality and your happiness were one and the same -- where everything that happened in your life was always just what you wanted. Imagine it! No event, no condition could do anything but contribute to your well-being. Every day, everyone and everything would work in your favor. And since your contentment in this new...