When we are "driven" to succeed in this world, it is always to arrive at some point wherein we will no longer feel as though something is missing in us. All such drives in us are doomed at the outset. Here's why...
Our work, in terms of reclaiming our right as human beings to be in relationship with what we choose to be in relationship with, begins with being able to see that we suffer because choices are made for us. And it's an unnecessary suffering.
The only thing that really troubles us is that our attention doesn't belong to us. Presently, something calls for us and claims our attention. Every errant thought and feeling that passes through our psychic system commands that we attend to what it tells us to, and then tries to direct us to what we have to discover based on resistance to the moment produced by our misplaced attention...
It feels like I have been a seeker forever, but have not yet found the enlightenment I have been seeking. Is enlightenment something that happens, or is it just an understanding?
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Topics covered: An awakened individual represents for us the possibility of an entirely different order of existence; You can't wait to make something of yourself. That is the reason for all of the planning and hoping and dreaming; The problem is that we live in a consciousness that has made a world in its own image; The problem with life's changes is that they do not agree with the static images that we identify with.
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Student Talks: 11/5/2021 - Key Lesson: Spiritual wisdom is our greatest wealth. And when, at long last we see this is true -- so that our first love in life becomes the wish to discover the truth of ourselves -- then each moment of every relationship serves as the doorway to the indwelling Divine.
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