We cannot excuse our way into peace of mind. It is impossible to excuse our way into having peace. If we let an excuse, or a justification, or an explanation become our guide in the moment we do something unkind, then we will never enter into this new level of being where the strength that we seek, and long to participate in, awaits us.
Sometimes the touch of Grace is sweet; sometimes it seems bitter, hard to bear; yet, whatever its measure, this much is true: it always strengthens those who will agree to stand in its Living Light, allowing it to reveal, and release them from what they've yet to realize is true about themselves.
All of us know what it's like to be dogged by parts of us that want to drag us down. Call it what you will: some compulsion or obsession seems to follow us into all our relationships, only to wreck them in one way or another. We struggle as best we can to free ourselves from these dark states but invariably find ourselves short of the mark.
We've all had moments where, by a glimpse of conscience, we suddenly recognize, "I am being prodded; pushed to respond with a reaction in the same way I've always been... but I have experienced the outcome, the karma of expressing that negativity, and God help me, I know I cannot do it again!"
One of the most slippery parts of the upper path is the temptation to judge ourselves -- to loath ourselves for whatever "weakness" is exposed to us in the moment. The act of judging ourselves in times like these seems natural and even necessary if we hope to ever "outgrow" our own limitations as revealed. But this kind of self-laceration is a Trojan horse within whose dark recesses lies...
There is a nature inside of us -- a product of this world physically and psychologically -- that does not want to change. In fact, it is hell-bent on having everything remain the same so that it can complain about the same things again and again. This unconscious nature is a product of our world physically and psychologically. It's almost like a wrapping -- much like a seed is encased...
What do we have to do to change the balance sheet of our lives so that for every measure of impatience and intolerance there may be at least an equivalent sum of compassion and consideration? With few exceptions, the usual focus of our attention and interactions with others is centered on our self and the fulfillment of its desires. The mindset of this lower consciousness...
Guy Finley explains that success in your spiritual life follows the understanding that "in my weakness is thy strength made perfect."
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Topics covered: Your experience of life comes down to what it is that you prize most in this life; There is something within you that wants to communicate with you about how to free you from yourself; We know how it feels to want to let go, but wanting to let go, and the ability to actually do it, seem to be miles and miles apart.
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Topic: Realize Perfect Strength by Never Forgetting these Two Fear-Busting Facts (Classroom Talk 4/17/24)
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Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
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