In this question and answer dialog, Guy talks about how regret over our actions does not change anything, while genuine remorse is connected to an awareness of our actual powerlessness, which allows for real change to take place.
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Topics covered: A lesson comes along on the back of events to help you see something about yourself that you had never seen before; Weakness passes itself off as strength, which the moment comes along to reveal as false; We never question why we live with worry and struggle in order to arrive at a life free from worry and struggle.
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Student Talks: 8/23/2024 - Key Lesson: When, before our inner eyes, we always have someplace better to be, or find ourselves struggling to "add a cubit to our stature," we miss seeing two great liberating truths: First, all imagined destinations are dreams whose promised fulfillment fades the nearer we draw to them... And secondly, blinded as we are by our hope in this "tomorrow" that never comes, we miss seeing -- and realizing -- that our True Self...
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Topic: There Is No Greater Love (6/2/21 Classroom Talk)
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Classroom Talk: 6/2/2021 - No one is obligated to feel spiritual remorse; yet, "it is written" in the stars themselves that all must eventually pay for what they have done against themselves, or others. For Justice through Balance is the great Law, enforced by a tireless, unfailing Love... whose final consolation is a pure heart no longer capable...
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Topics Covered: The world that we see is one of our own making. Everything that you make in this life is made in your own image; No other person can explain your pain to you. But most people don't even want to know anything about their pain. Most people want to avoid pain at all cost and seek pleasure instead; "Many are called, but few are chosen." But you have to choose to be chosen...
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The torment of guilt is one of the ways in which weakness hides itself. It is a false, substitute emotion for the natural feeling of remorse that comes for having witnessed the unfortunate effect of seeing one's unconscious nature "in action."...
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Classroom Talk: 8/18/2024 - When, before our inner eyes, we always have someplace better to be, or find ourselves struggling to "add a cubit to our stature," we miss seeing two great liberating truths: First, all imagined destinations are dreams whose promised fulfillment fades the nearer we draw to them...and secondly, blinded as we are by our hope in this "tomorrow" that never comes, we miss seeing - and realizing - that our True Self is a field of possibilities whose riches are not only immediate, but everlasting.
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Topics covered: How do I deal with a pattern of anxiety and stress; What is Being; Why am I unable to act quickly on what I know I need to do; Our present nature is constantly in a dream; We don't see the pit coming because we're already in it. The consciousness itself is the pit; Dreaming in physical sleep versus dreaming in spiritual sleep; We dream because we want to escape what we are; Pai...
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This content is only available with All Access Membership