Could it be possible that we are on this earth to spend our time worrying about money? Endlessly trying to figure out ways to please ourselves? Is there any remote chance that the reason we are here is to carry a hatred for years and years? To do nothing but think about ways to secure power, possessions, or approval? That doesn't make sense, does it? But clearly there...
It is a certain level of miracle when, for a person's willingness and work to understand the truth of themselves, something begins to formulate within them that will start to be there for them without them having to ask for it. It is an aggregation of a certain kind of energy that finally forms a certain kind of memory, a certain substance, that begins to be the center of your gravity.
When you are with someone who is negative and they stir a negative reaction in you, once you understand that they have no awareness of their state, much less see the possibility of stepping into wholeness, you can choose to quietly die to that dark nature within yourself, which is to the mutual benefit of both of you.
Guy Finley, the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, explains that the world we see with our eyes cannot lift us into the world of our true possibilities, but we can catch momentary feelings which are a reflection of a world above us and within us. The full replay of this class is available in Life of Learning Foundation's online community,, where you can join...
The seeds of discovering a new mind come from moving closer and closer to the very source of wisdom. What any man or woman in the universe understands you can understand. Why? Because it is everyone's understanding.
In this excerpt from an interview with Rob Spears of KKNW's Conscious Talk Radio, Guy Finley explains that the purpose of his 2017 "Talks in the Pines" workshop will be to feed the part of us that longs to understand the role of our soul in our spiritual life.
Guy Finley explains that each of us has the possibility of nurturing the "seeds of our soul" so that in their flowering we not only become a bridge between Heaven and Earth, but are also brought into another level of relationship with the Divine.
"Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains what Mothers Day represents spiritually, and what a real "Mothers Day" actually is.
Without the soul there is no relationship to the Divine. Our relationship with the Divine occurs because of this tiny magnetic part within us that is capable of developing. We can't see leaves grow, and likewise we cannot directly see the soul grow. And yet, like a tree that opens its leaves when it gets what it needs from the sun, so does the nascent soul open up its sails when it receives th...
Guy Finley explains that if you truly know yourself, then you will want to surrender yourself. The seeds of true surrender and dying to yourself spiritually are found in knowing your actual inner condition.
In this brief talk, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how the discovery of who we really are -- our "true self" -- is possible only as we become more and more aware of the legion of false identities that have been operating mechanically in the dark.