We cannot excuse our way into peace of mind. It is impossible to excuse our way into having peace. If we let an excuse, or a justification, or an explanation become our guide in the moment we do something unkind, then we will never enter into this new level of being where the strength that we seek, and long to participate in, awaits us.
Sometimes the touch of Grace is sweet; sometimes it seems bitter, hard to bear; yet, whatever its measure, this much is true: it always strengthens those who will agree to stand in its Living Light, allowing it to reveal, and release them from what they've yet to realize is true about themselves.
Student Talks: 10/11/2024 - Key Lesson: Here's the truth that helps sets you free, but only as you agree to see its Divine Law at work within you: Real Life never asks for one thing more than what it's already given to you - in that very same moment - to make Good its request.
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Topic: End this Unseen Painful Relationship with Dark States and Watch Them Disappear (Classroom Talk 7/10/24)
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Topic: This False Conclusion Ensures There Can Be No End to Our Conflict with Life (Classroom Talk 2/28/24)
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Topics covered: Part of your spiritual work is to see that you do not know what your best interests really are; The conditions in life that seem to oppose us have actually appeared in order to help us realize our best interests; A negative reaction looks outside of itself in order figure out what condition or person should be blamed for its pain; The very act of blaming the condition you don't want strengthens the consciousness that created those conditions...
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Classroom Talk: 2/28/2024 - The unwanted moments that move in-and-out of our lives are like shadows that pass through a forest on a sunny day; they do not come as some blind force set against our best interests; rather, they come to help us realize what our best interests actually are.
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Topic: The Courage to Face and "Erase" Whatever You're Afraid to See in Yourself (Classroom Talk 4/26/23)
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Topics covered: The hope of this world rests in innocence. No innocence, no goodness. No goodness, nothing good, and when there's nothing good there's only that which pretends to be good; It is inevitable that there will be suffering each time you try to hide from the truth of yourself; A real man or woman never blames anything or anyone else for his or her experience of life.
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Classroom Talk: 4/26/2023 - Praying to change the world around us is pointless until we see that the world around us is the way it is because we are the way we are; only in the realization of this truth -- and in our agreement to make the sacrifices inherent in its revelation -- is there hope for the world, and for us, as well.
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Student Talks: 3/19/2021 - Key Lesson: Part 1: We live within... and under an unseen Law: whatever we resist -- deny or reject -- about our past is destined to become a part of our future. Part 2: Weakness always excuses weakness... because it fears itself.
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Topics Covered: There are almost an infinite number of ways that people excuse their way through life. Everyone walks around with a false friend named MOE, which stands for "Master Of Excuses"; We are not supposed to prove our perfection. Instead we are meant to be perfected through using the moment and its relationships for revelation and self-knowledge; All things in nature...
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